我需要在没有任何包(如 JQuery)的标准 javascript 中完成此操作。
我所拥有的是一辆货车,由于某种我无法分解的原因,它沿着两条路径而不是一条路径移动。也朝错误的方向移动(它应该沿着路径 y=-25x 移动,因此每向右移动 25 个像素,它应该向上移动 1 个像素)。
为了说明我想要实现的目标,请看这张图片:http: //i.stack.imgur.com/9WIfr.jpg
这是我的 javascript 文件:
var viewWidth = 800;
var viewHeight = 480;
var fps = 30;
var delay = getFrame(fps);
var vanWidth, vanHeight, vanObj;
function initVan() {
vanObj = document.getElementById("van");
vanObj.style.position = "absolute";
vanObj.src = "pics/delivery/van.png";
vanWidth = 413;
vanHeight = 241;
var startX = 0-vanWidth;
var startY = viewHeight-vanHeight;
function transition(startX,startY,time) {
//the intention of this is to follow a path y=-25x in mathematical terms
var endX = viewWidth;
var endY = startY-(endX/-25);
//note that this is the velocity per millisecond
var velocityX = (endX-startX)/time;
var velocityY = (endY-startY)/time;
alert(endY+", "+startY);
function move(vX,vY,eX,eY) {
var posX = getX();
var posY = getY();
if (posX<=eX || posY<=eY) {
//velocityX (in milliseconds) * delay = the amount of pixels moved in one frame @fps=30
var moveX = vX*delay;
var moveY = vY*delay;
var newX = posX+moveX;
var newY = posY+moveY;
setTimeout(function() {
}, delay);
function getX() {
return vanObj.offsetLeft;
function getY() {
return vanObj.offsetTop;
function setPosition(newX,newY) {
vanObj.style.left = newY + "px";
vanObj.style.top = newX + "px";
function setSize(scaleX,scaleY) {
vanWidth *= scaleX;
vanHeight *= scaleY;
vanObj.width = vanWidth;
vanObj.height = vanHeight;
function getFrame(fps) {
return Math.floor(1000/fps);
这是我的 HTML 文件:
<script type="text/javascript" src="delivery.js"> </script>
<body onLoad="initVan();">
<img id="van" width=413 height=241/>