您认为将 Facebook 图标放在您的屏幕抓取列表中以供提交会违反苹果 sdk?
2 回答
Facebook 是否提供其图标供第三方使用?如果是这样,那么你应该没事。但是,没有人可以 100% 确定,因为历史表明 App Store 评论者的评论非常主观。例如,我有一个应用程序更新被拒绝,因为一个 UI 元素在实时应用程序中已经存在 6 个月,因为它可能会让用户感到困惑。
我没有听说过 Apple 会强制执行其他公司的版权和商标,但您要小心侵犯 Apple 的版权和商标(请参阅此处)。
Apple will protect their own copyrights and trademarks but isn't much interested in third-parties'. Who's to say you didn't get permission from Facebook to use their icon? If Apple rejected you for it, it would put them in the position of requiring you to submit proof to them that you have permission, which means they would be reviewing legal agreements between two other parties... why bother? It's easier for them to approve it and, if Facebook has a problem, let Facebook come after you themselves.
So, in brief, it wouldn't violate the SDK agreement; but you might get grief from Facebook if Facebook finds out about it.