用“贪心”算法解决的问题的共同属性和模式是什么?我可以将它们简化为已知的“贪婪”问题之一(例如 MST)吗?
Formally, you'd have to prove the matroid property of course. However, I assume that in terms of topcoder you rather want to find out quickly if a problem can be approached greedily or not.
In that case, the most important point is the optimal sub-structure property. For this, you have to be able to spot that the problem can be decomposed into sub-problems and that their optimal solution is part of the optimal solution of the whole problem.
Of course, greedy problems come in such a wide variety that it's next to impossible to offer a general correct answer to your question. My best advice would hence be to think somewhere along these lines:
Together with loads and loads of experience (just had to say that, too) this should help you to quickly spot greedy problems. Of course, you may eventually classify a problem as greedy, which is not. In that case, you can only hope to realize it before working on the code for too long.
(Again, for reference, I assume a topcoder context.. for anything more realistic and of practical consequence I strongly advise to actually verify the matroid structure before selecting a greedy algorithm.)
通常,最优、贪心解决方案的问题很容易解决,而由于复杂性限制,其他问题会迫使您提出贪心启发式方法。通常,有意义的减少将表明您的问题实际上至少是 NP 难的,因此您知道您必须找到一个启发式方法。对于这些问题,我非常喜欢尝试。实现您的算法并尝试找出解决方案是否“相当好”(如果您也有一个缓慢但正确的算法,您可以比较结果,否则您可能需要手动创建基本事实)。只有当你有一些运作良好的东西时,试着想想为什么,甚至尝试提出边界证明。也许它有效,也许你会发现它不起作用并需要改进的边界情况。
贪心算法的主要优点通常是分析简单。它通常也很容易编程。不幸的是,它通常不是最理想的。” --- ariels (http://www.everything2.com/title/greedy+algorithm?searchy=search)