我在构建 drupal 自定义节点类型时遇到了一些麻烦。我创建了一个模块 sj_highcharts,它最终将使用 highcharts api 来提供数据图表。这个模块的重点是创建一个节点类型,它将显示一个表单供人们与图表api接口,将数据存储在一些数据库表中,然后最终输出图表。

问题是提交表单后我的 hook_insert 函数甚至 hook_validate 函数都没有被调用,并且没有任何内容存储到数据库中。我已经发表了声明,以确保他们不会开火。


 * Implementation of hook_node_info().
function sj_highcharts_node_info() {
  //defining one node type: 'sj highchart'.
  return array(
    'sj_highcharts_element' => array(
      'name'  => t('Highchart Element'),
      'module' => 'sj_highcharts',
      'description' => t("An element that creates a dynamic chart from specified data."),
      'has_title' => FALSE,
      'has_body' => FALSE,
      'locked' => TRUE,
  //In order to make this an element type, we will have to check the "is element" field in the content type administration page.

 * Implementation of hook_form().
function sj_highcharts_form($node) {

  $type = node_get_types('type', $node);
  $form['delimiter'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => t('Data Delimiter'),
      '#description' => t('The character in which the data is delimited.'),
      '#options' => array(t('Tab'), t('Space'), t('Comma')),
      '#default_value' => '',

  $form['x_label'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('x-axis label'),
      '#description' => t('The label to be set and displayed for the x axis.'),
      '#required' => TRUE,
      '#default_value' => '',

  $form['x_data'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textarea',
      '#title' => t('x-axis data'),
      '#description' => t('The x-axis data to be populated on the chart'),
      '#default_value' => '',
      '#rows' => 10,
      '#required' => TRUE,

  $form['y_label'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('x-axis label'),
      '#description' => t('The label to be set and displayed for the y axis.'),
      '#required' => TRUE,
      '#default_value' => '',

  $form['y_data'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textarea',
      '#title' => t('y-axis data'),
      '#description' => t('The y-axis data to be populated on the chart'),
      '#default_value' => '',
      '#rows' => 10,
      '#required' => TRUE,

  $form['type'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Select a chart type'),
      '#default_value' => 'Bar',
      '#description' => t('Select a chart type to display data.'),
      '#options' => array(
      '1' => t('Pie'),
      '2' => t('Line'),
      '3' => t('Area'),
      '4' => t('Scatter'),
      '5' => t('Bar'),

  $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Create Chart')

  return $form;

 * Implentation of hook_validate().
function sj_highcharts_validate($node) {
  //watchdog('sj_highcharts', 'in validate function');


    //if we are dealing with tab delimited input
    if($node->delimiter == 'tab'){

      //check to see if data sets are the same size
      if(isset($node->x_data) && isset($node->y_data)) {
        if(substr(' ', $node->x_data) && substr(' ', $node->y_data)){
          $xdata_parts = explode('  ', $node->x_data);
          $ydata_parts = explode('  ', $node->y_data);
          form_set_error('delimiter', t('The data delimiter must match the data string entered.'));

        if(sizeof($xdata_parts) != sizeof($ydata_parts)){
          form_set_error('x_data', t('The number of data points in each, x and y axes, must match.'));

      //change all delimited input to the format we want
      $node->x_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->x_data);
      $node->y_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->y_data);

    //if we are dealing with space delimited input
    if($node->delimiter == 'space'){

      //check to see if data sets are the same size
      if(isset($node->x_data) && isset($node->y_data)) {
        if(substr(' ', $node->x_data) && substr(' ', $node->y_data)){
          $xdata_parts = explode(' ', $node->x_data);
          $ydata_parts = explode(' ', $node->y_data);
          form_set_error('delimiter', t('The data delimiter must match the data string entered.'));

        if(sizeof($xdata_parts) != sizeof($ydata_parts)){
          form_set_error('x_data', t('The number of data points in each, x and y axes, must match.'));

      //change all delimited input to the format we want
      $node->x_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->x_data);
      $node->y_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->y_data);

    //if we are dealing with comma delimited input
    if($node->delimiter == 'comma'){

      //check to see if data sets are the same size
      if(isset($node->x_data) && isset($node->y_data)) {
        if(substr(',', $node->x_data) && substr(',', $node->y_data)){
          $xdata_parts = explode(',', $node->x_data);
          $ydata_parts = explode(',', $node->y_data);
          form_set_error('delimiter', t('The data delimiter must match the data string entered.'));

        if(sizeof($xdata_parts) != sizeof($ydata_parts)){
          form_set_error('x_data', t('The number of data points in each, x and y axes, must match.'));

      //change all delimited input to the format we want
      $node->x_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->x_data);
      $node->y_data = str_replace(' ', ',', $node->y_data);


 * Implementation of hook_form_submit().
function sj_highcharts_insert($node) {
  //watchdog('sj_highcharts', 'in submit function');

  drupal_write_record('highcharts_chart', $node);

  $x_data_parts = explode(',', $node->x_data);
  $axis = 'x';
  for($i = 0;$i < sizeof($x_data_parts);$i++){
    $data_point = $x_data_parts[$i];

    //not sure if i should use write_record or not, just know that i need to separate individual data fields
    db_query("INSERT into {higcharts_data} (chart_id, data, axis) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s')", $node->nid, $data_point, $axis);

  $y_data_parts = explode(',', $node->y_data);
  $axis = 'y';
  for($i = 0;$i < sizeof($y_data_parts);$i++){
    $data_point = $y_data_parts[$i];

    //not sure if i should use write_record or not, just know that i need to make sure the chart_id matches other table
    db_query("INSERT into {higcharts_data} (chart_id, data, axis) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s')", $node->nid, $data_point, $axis);



1 回答 1


查看示例模块中的 node_example 子模块。它应该有助于为您指明正确的方向。

您的帖子不清楚您使用的是哪个版本的drupal。在 Drupal 6 中,您可以直接向表单或表单项添加额外的验证和提交功能。


  $form['delimiter'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => t('Data Delimiter'),
      '#description' => t('The character in which the data is delimited.'),
      '#options' => array(t('Tab'), t('Space'), t('Comma')),
      '#default_value' => '',
      '#validate' => array('_name_of_custom_validation_function'),
      '#submit' => array('_name_of_custom_submit_function'),
于 2011-10-23T19:23:12.403 回答