There are around about 100 - 200 entries into the table and I have a accessory view that is a tick that when a cell is selected it ticks the cell then loads the main view again.
它往往在表格的前 30/40% 范围内起作用,但任何低于刻度的东西都将不可见……除非我每次来回越来越深,然后有时我可以让刻度出现在表格视图的更深部分..有人知道为什么会这样吗?
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; //pops current view from the navigatoin stack
//accesses selected cells content
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
// now you can use cell.textLabel.text
//This if statment is based off which cell was selected in the parent view so that it knows which cell to pass the data back to
if (parentViewSelectedIndexPath.section == 0) {
if (parentViewSelectedIndexPath.row == 0) {
manufactureCellTextLabel = cell.textLabel.text; //passing label text over to NSString for use with delegate (check "viewwilldissapear")
[[self delegate] setManufactureSearchFields:manufactureCellTextLabel withIndexPath:indexPath]; //This is where I pass the value back to the mainview
// a few more If statements for the other methods I can pass data too.
//--- this if block allows only one cell selection at a time
if (oldCheckedData == nil) { // No selection made yet
oldCheckedData = indexPath;
[cell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark];
else {
UITableViewCell *formerSelectedcell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:oldCheckedData]; // finding the already selected cell
[formerSelectedcell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryNone];
[cell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark]; // 'select' the new cell
oldCheckedData = indexPath;
- (void) setManufactureSearchFields:(NSString *)cellLabeltext withIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)myIndexPath
manufactureSearchObjectString = cellLabeltext;
manufactureResultIndexPath = myIndexPath;
[self.tableView reloadData]; //reloads the tabels so you can see the value.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
//--- Idendify selected indexPath (section/row)
if (indexPath.section == 0) {
//--- Get the subview ready for use
VehicleResultViewController *vehicleResultViewController = [[VehicleResultViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"VehicleResultViewController" bundle:nil];
// ...
//--- Sets the back button for the new view that loads
self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Back" style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:nil] autorelease];
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vehicleResultViewController animated:YES];
[vehicleResultViewController setDelegate:self];
if (indexPath.row == 0)
vehicleResultViewController.title = @"Manufacture";
[vehicleResultViewController setRequestString:@"ID.xml"]; //sets the request string in searchResultsViewController
vehicleResultViewController.dataSetToParse = @"ID"; // This is used to controll what data is shown on subview... logic
[vehicleResultViewController setAccessoryIndexPath:manufactureResultIndexPath]; //sends indexpath back to subview for accessory tick
vehicleResultViewController.parentViewSelectedIndexPath = indexPath;
//etc etc
最后我将它传递给我的子视图中的方法,该方法将 indexpath 传递给 oldCheckedData
- (void)setAccessoryIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)myLastIndexPath
oldCheckedData = myLastIndexPath;
[self.tableView reloadData]; //<<---- this is where I reload the table to show the tick...