You could do it, but I don't think you want to do this. My understanding is that Plack::Middleware's are supposed to be generic, and implementing a CMS as a plack middleware limits its re-usability, and its out of place, there is no inherent connection between a middleware and a CMS.
See these as examples Plack::Middleware::OAuth
, Plack::Middleware::Debug
, Plack::Middleware::iPhone
, Plack::Middleware::Image::Scale
, Plack::Middleware::HTMLMinify
It would be trivial to add a middleware filter to insert a form in your html based on /adm/
or /admin/
or whatever ... and mapping the url to the dispatch would highly depend on the underlying CMS model/view/controller framework, which is why frameworks such as Catalyst
, Mojolicious
and other already provide this feature
Basically, I think this is a job for a view/controller of your application, a plugin, not a wrapper for your application (middleware)
I know my explanation is lacking but hopefully you catch my drift