这是 C 中 DFS 搜索的实现。可以修改为与 MultiGraphs imo 一起使用。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <conio.h>
typedef struct AdjacencyList
char VertexID;
int *IncidenceList;
typedef struct Graph
int VertexCount, Status;
char VertexName;
AdjList List;
struct Graph *Next;
Graph* InitializeGraph();
Graph *InitGraphNode(int cnt);
void PerformDepthFirstSearch(Graph *graph);
int main()
Graph *graph;
graph = InitializeGraph();
return 0;
Graph *InitGraphNode(int cnt)
Graph *node = ((Graph*)malloc(sizeof(Graph)));
node->List.IncidenceList = ((int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*cnt));
node->Next = NULL;
return node;
Graph* InitializeGraph()
Graph *graphHead = NULL, *node, *tmp, *tmp2;
char vname;
int cnt, i, j, isIncident = 0;
printf("Enter the number of vertices : ");
scanf("%d", &cnt);
if (cnt == 0)
printf("Number of vertices cannot be ZERO!!\n\n");
return graphHead;
graphHead = InitGraphNode(1);
graphHead->VertexCount = cnt;
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
printf("VertexName : ");
vname = getche();
node = InitGraphNode(cnt);
node->VertexName = vname;
node->Next = NULL;
node->Status = 1;
if (graphHead->Next == NULL)
graphHead->Next = node;
tmp = graphHead;
while (tmp->Next != NULL)
tmp = tmp->Next;
tmp->Next = node;
tmp = graphHead->Next;
printf("Prepare to input the adjacent elements of corresponding vertices...\n\n");
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
vname = tmp->VertexName;
tmp2 = graphHead->Next;
for(j = 0; j < cnt; j++)
here :
printf("%c incident on %c :: (1 for YES)(0 for NO) ::-> ",vname, tmp2->VertexName);
scanf("%d", &isIncident);
if ((isIncident < 0)||(isIncident > 1))
printf("Wrong Input!! Try again!!\n\n");
goto here;
tmp->List.IncidenceList[j] = isIncident;
tmp2 = tmp2->Next;
tmp = tmp->Next;
return graphHead;
void PerformDepthFirstSearch(Graph *graph)
Graph *Stack[100], *Copy = graph->Next, *node, *tmp = graph->Next;
int top = 0, i, cnt = 0;
Stack[top++] = Copy;
while(top != 0)
node = Stack[--top];
printf("%c, ", node->VertexName);
for(i = 0; i < graph->VertexCount; i++)
if(node->List.IncidenceList[i] == 1)
while (cnt < i)
tmp = tmp->Next;
if (tmp->Status == 1)
Stack[top++] = tmp;