这个问题真的很老了,但由于不久前这里有一些活动,它仍然给了我 10 年后我需要的所有答案,我想分享我这样做的方式。
阅读此线程后,我发现 Tigregalis 的答案非常有趣,即使我更喜欢 Ama 的解决方案。但是它们都没有反映原始 Excel 行为,可以选择在之前/之后复制或复制到新工作簿。当我需要它时,我写下了我自己的函数,为了让它更接近 Excel 的函数,我让它能够处理表格,而不仅仅是工作表。
Function CopySheet(ByVal InitSh As Object, Optional ByVal BeforeSh As Object, Optional ByVal AfterSh As Object) As Object
'Excel doesn't provide any reliable way to get a pointer to a newly copied sheet. This function allows to make it
'Arguments: - InitSh : The sheet we want to copy
' - BeforeSh : The sheet before the one we want the copy to be placed
' - AfterSh : The sheet after the one we want the copy to be placed
'Return : - Returns the newly copied sheet. If BeforeSh and AfterSh are not givent to the sub, the sheet is created in a new workbook. In the case both are given, BeforeSh is used
' To beknown : if the InitSh is not visible, the new one won't be visible except if InitWks is the first of the workbook !
Dim isBefore As Boolean
Dim isAfter As Boolean
Dim Wkb As Workbook
'If there is before or after, we need to know the workbook where the new sheet is copied, if not we need to set up a new workbook
If Not BeforeSh Is Nothing Then
isBefore = True
Set Wkb = BeforeSh.Parent
ElseIf Not AfterSh Is Nothing Then
isAfter = True
Set Wkb = AfterSh.Parent
Set Wkb = Application.Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet)
End If
'To be able to find the new worksheet, we need to make sure the first sheet of the destination workbook is visible and make the copy before it
Dim FirstWksVisibility As XlSheetVisibility
FirstWksVisibility = Wkb.Sheets(1).Visible
Wkb.Sheets(1).Visible = xlSheetVisible
InitSh.Copy before:=Wkb.Sheets(1)
'Restore the initial visibility of the first worksheet of the workbook, that is now the sheet number 2 as we copied one in front of it
Wkb.Sheets(2).Visible = FirstWksVisibility
'Finaly, move the sheet accordingly to otpional arguments BeforeWks or AfterWks
Dim TempSh As Object
Set TempSh = Wkb.Sheets(1)
If isBefore Then
TempSh.Move before:=BeforeSh
ElseIf isAfter Then
TempSh.Move after:=AfterSh
'If no optional arguments, we made a new workbook and we need to erase the blank worksheet that was created with it if the new sheet is visible (we cant if it's not visible)
If TempSh.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
Dim Alert As Boolean
Alert = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = Alert
End If
End If
Set CopySheet = TempSh
End Function