i have a rave report with 5 pages inside it, we need to export to excel two page from those 5 report pages, each page is a report itself... we use gnostice v2.5 to do the exporting. currently using Rave 6.5 with BDS2006.

Hi, maybe i was not clear enough, i have 1 Report which consists of 5 pages, Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4, Page5, each page work as a differente report, i can export the entire report without a problem, bu we only need to export Page1 and Page2. and yes my question is how do i do it? Thanks.

thanks, Vladimir


2 回答 2


通过 Rave,您可以生成一些以一个打印作业结束的报告(请参阅Nevrona.com 上的 tipp #41)。因此,您可以将您的报告拆分为每页一份报告并将它们正常打印在一起 - 或为您的 Excel 导出生成所需的页面。


于 2009-04-17T08:23:22.777 回答

据我记得,报告不能超过5页。因此,您必须操纵报表更改页面顺序,以确保报表呈现不会通过第 1 页和第 2 页。

您可以配置参数并在报告本身内的脚本上解释它们 - 允许对其进行自动配置。


于 2010-09-08T15:29:22.170 回答