Possible Duplicate:
Add CSS to iFrame
I'm trying to put some styling and jquery into the head of a page 'within' an iframe. This is on the domain so yes I can pass things into the head. It works fine with just one <'line of code'> but if I use it won't execute. I basically need the following to work:
$('#someFrame').contents().find('head').html('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"/> <script src="link to jquery library"></script> <script src="link to my script">');
using .append instead of .html doesn't work (I've tried many times, it's 50/50 at best). I can't just add multiple jQuery statements because each time I do it wipes the one before it out.
I tried one big .js file but it won't get past the
not sure what I'm doing wrong. Anybody have any ideas?