我需要将多个对象 push_back 到一个向量中,但 VS 抛出一个错误(这可能是由于堆损坏,这表明 PVSS00DataGate.exe 或它已加载的任何 DLL 中的错误)我似乎无法解决为了我自己。
这是我正在尝试做的事情,它可以将第一个对象 push_back 到向量中,但是当我尝试 push_back 第二个对象时,即发生错误。
class HWObject{}
void DataLogger::WriteNewMessages()
unsigned int iBattery = 0;
unsigned int iSignal = 0;
TimeVar tTimeStamp;
// I want to store all HWObjects in a temporary vector (loggerData)
std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;
CharString strElement;
strElement.format( "batteryCondition.value" );
SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iBattery, tTimeStamp );
strElement.format( "signalStrength.value" );
SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iSignal, tTimeStamp );
void DataLogger::SendOneValuePVSS(const char *szElementName, double dValue, TimeVar, &tValue)
HWObject obj;
obj.setOrgTime(tValue); // Current time
CharString address;
address = strID;
address += ".";
address += szElementName;
loggerData.reserve( loggerData.size() + 1 );
loggerData.push_back( obj );
dataLogger 声明在
class DataLogger
std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;
这是 HWObject 类,我不想用代码让你不知所措。
/** Default constructor*/
/** Constructor, which sets the periphAddr and transformationType.
* @param addressString address of the HW object
* @param trans type of transformation
HWObject(const char* addressString, TransformationType trans);
/** Destructor. If the date pointer is not NULL, it is deleted.
virtual ~HWObject();
/** Creates a new HWObject
* This function returns an empty HWObject, no properties are duplicated or copied!
* @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual HWObject * clone() const;
/** Reset all pvss2 relevant parts of the HWObject. when overloading this member
* don't forget to call the basic function!
* @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void clear();
/** Gets pointer to data
* @return pointer to data
const PVSSchar * getDataPtr() const { return dataPtr; }
/** Gets the data buffer pointer
* @return data buffer pointer
PVSSchar * getData() { return dataPtr; }
/** Cut the data buffer out of the HWObject.
* This function is used to avoid the deletion
* of the data buffer, when a new pointer is set using
* setData() or the HWObject is deleted.
* @return pointer to the data of the HWObject
PVSSchar * cutData();
/** Get the data buffer lenght
* @return length of the data buffer
PVSSushort getDlen() const { return dataLen; }
/** Set ptr to the data buffer, pointer is captured.
* The actual data pointer in the HWObject is deleted,
* if it is not NULL. To avoid the deletion use cutData()
* in order to cut out the pointer.
* @param ptr pointer to new data
void setData(PVSSchar *ptr);
/** Set the data length
* @param len length to be set
void setDlen(const PVSSushort len) { dataLen = len; }
/** Get the periph address
* @return periph address string
const CharString & getAddress() const { return address; }
/** Get the transformation type
* @return type of transformation
TransformationType getType() const { return transType; }
/** Set the transformation type
* @param typ type of transformation for setting
void setType(const TransformationType typ) { transType = typ; }
/** Get the subindex
* @return subindex
PVSSushort getSubindex() const { return subindex; }
/** Set the subindex
* @param sx subindex to be set
void setSubindex( const PVSSushort sx) { subindex = sx; }
/** Get the origin time
* @return origin time
const TimeVar& getOrgTime() const { return originTime; }
/** Get the origin time
* @return oriin time
TimeVar& getOrgTime() { return originTime; }
/** Set the origin time
* @param tm origin time to be set
void setOrgTime(const TimeVar& tm) { originTime = tm; }
/** Get HWObject purpose
* @return objSrcType
ObjectSourceType getObjSrcType() const { return objSrcType; }
/** Set HWObject purpose
* @param tp objSrcType
void setObjSrcType(const ObjectSourceType tp) { objSrcType = tp; }
/** Get number of elements in data buffer
* @return number of elements in data buffer
PVSSushort getNumberOfElements() const { return number_of_elements; }
/** Set number of elements in data buffer
* @param var number of elements in data buffer
void setNumberOfElements(const PVSSushort var) { number_of_elements = var; }
/** Prints the basic HWObject information on stderr.
* in case of overloading don't forget to call the base function!
* @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void debugPrint() const;
/** Prints th basic HWObject info in one CharString for internal debug DP.
* in case of overloading call base function first, then append specific info
* @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual CharString getInfo() const;
/** Set the periph address
* @param adrStr pointer to address string
virtual void setAddress(const char *adrStr);
/** Set the additional data (flag, orig time, valid user byte,etc)
* @param data aditional flags that be set
* @param subix subindex, use subix 0 for setting values by default
virtual void setAdditionalData(const RecVar &data, PVSSushort subix);
/** Set the 'origin time comes from periph' flag
void setTimeOfPeriphFlag()
/** Check whether time comes from periph
* @return PVSS_TRUE if the time is from perip
PVSSboolean isTimeFromPeriph() const
// If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
return getSbit(DRV_TIME_OF_PERIPH);
/** Set the flag if you want to receive callback if event has answered the value change
void setWantAnswerFlag()
/** Get the status of the 'want answer, flag
PVSSboolean getWantAnswerFlag() const
// If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
return getSbit(DRV_WANT_ANSWER);
/** Set the user bit given by input parameter.
* Status bits defined by the enum DriverBits
* @param bitno bit number
* @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was set
PVSSboolean setSbit(PVSSushort bitno)
return (status.set(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));
/** Clear the user bit given by input parameter
* @param bitno bit number
* @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was cleared
PVSSboolean clearSbit(PVSSushort bitno)
return (status.clear(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));
PVSSboolean isValidSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const
return status.get(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID);
/** Check any bit
* @param bitno bit number
* @return status of the bit on bitno position
PVSSboolean getSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const {return status.get(bitno);}
/** Clear all status bits
* return status of clear all
PVSSboolean clearStatus() {return status.clearAll();}
/** Get the status of this object
* @return bit vector status
const BitVec & getStatus() const {return status;}
/** Set status of the bit vector
* @param bv deference to bit vector to be set as status
void setStatus(const BitVec &bv) {status = bv;}
/** Set a user byte in the status.
* @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
* @param val value to set
* @return PVSS_TRUE execution OK
* PVSS_FALSE in case of error
PVSSboolean setUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo, PVSSuchar val);
/** Reads a user byte from the status.
* @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
* @return the requested user byte
PVSSuchar getUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo) const;
/** Check validity of user byte.
* @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
* @return PVSS_TRUE user byte is valid
* PVSS_FALSE user byte is not valid
PVSSboolean isValidUserByte(PVSSushort userByteNo) const;
/** Format status bits into a string
* @param str status bits converted to string
void formatStatus (CharString & str) const ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal ones
/** Read data from bin file
* @param fp file handle
virtual int inFromBinFile( FILE *fp );
/** Write data to bin file
* @param fp file handle
virtual int outToBinFile( FILE *fp );
/** Set data length
* @param dlen data length
void setDlenLlc (PVSSushort dlen) {dataLenLlc = dlen;}
virtual void updateBufferLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0);
virtual int compareLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0, int offset2 = 0, int len = -1);
/** Get dataLenLlc
* @return dataLenLlc
PVSSushort getDlenLlc () const {return dataLenLlc;}
/** Function to delete the data buffer; overload if special deletion must be done
virtual void deleteData ();
/** Set HW identifier
* @param id hw identifier to be set
void setHwoId(PVSSulong id) {hwoId = id;}
/** Get HW identifier
* @return hw identifier
PVSSulong getHwoId() const {return hwoId;}
/// the dynamic data buffer
PVSSchar* dataPtr;
/// the data buffer len
PVSSushort dataLen;
/// the pvss2 periph address string
CharString address;
/// the start subix for the data buffer
PVSSushort subindex;
/// the datatype of the data in the buffer (i.e. transformationtype)
TransformationType transType;
/// the time of income, normally set by the constructor
TimeVar originTime;
/// the purpose of this HWObject
ObjectSourceType objSrcType;
/// the number of elements in the data buffer, used for arrays and records
PVSSushort number_of_elements; // fuer array!!!
/// the user bits of the original config
BitVec status;
PVSSushort dataLenLlc;
PVSSulong hwoId;