当我尝试在使用 Robohelp 生成的 Google Chrome 中在线查看目录 (TOC) 时,TOC 未显示在左侧面板中。
当我尝试在使用 Robohelp 生成的 Google Chrome 中在线查看目录 (TOC) 时,TOC 未显示在左侧面板中。
我通过下载最新版本的 Adobe Robohelp 10 解决了这个问题。我根据以下站点修改了相应的文件: https ://helpx.adobe.com/robohelp/kb/webhelp-issues-robohelp-versions-10 .html
遵循 Peter Grainge 在https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2185300?start=40&tstart=0上的以下说明:
Open the following folder <install dir>\RoboHTML\WebHelp5Ext\template_stock
Create a backup copy for the following file whthost.js
Copy the original to a folder outside of Program Files.
Open the file whthost.js in a text editor with line numbering such as Notepad++.
In line 872 (RoboHelp 2015 and 2017) or line 868 (RoboHelp 10 and 11) change the following line from
sText = sText.replace("\n", "");
sText = sText.replace(/\n/g, "");
Save the edited file and copy it back to <install dir>\RoboHTML\WebHelp5Ext\template_stock overwriting the original
尝试启动 Chrome 添加--allow-file-access-from-files