Can we do bitwise and in a firebird procedure without using a UDF? is there one of the built in function or is there a way to get the same results with standard built in commands?

I tried http://www.firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd21-intfunc-bin_and.html (BIN_AND) also but i need some implementation without UDF.

Ex: (3 & 3) returns 3 in SQL but not in firebird(firebird 2.1).


1 回答 1


Firebird 没有位运算符,BIN_AND()函数是要走的路。从 Firebird 2.1 开始,这些BIN_*函数是内部函数,即它们始终可用,无需任何外部 DLL 或将它们注册为 UDF。

于 2011-09-13T14:17:16.070 回答