在我的 Spring MVC webapp 中,我有一个用于 CRUD 操作的通用 RESTful 控制器。并且每个具体的控制器只需要声明一个@RequestMapping,例如/foo/foo通用控制器处理所有对和的请求/foo/{id}

但现在我需要编写一个更复杂的 CRUD 控制器,它将获得额外的请求参数或路径变量,例如/foo/{date}/foo/{id}/{date}. 所以我扩展了我的通用 CRUD 控制器并编写了重载fetch(id, date)方法来处理{id}{date}. 那不是问题。

但我还需要“禁用” fetch(id)从基类派生的实现(资源不能再可用/foo/{id},只能在/foo/{id}/{date})。我想出的唯一想法是在我的具体控制器中覆盖此方法,将其映射到假 uri 并返回null。但这看起来很丑陋,因为我们暴露了一些虚假的资源 uri,而不是禁用它。可能有更好的做法吗?


//My generic CRUD controller
public abstract class AbstractCRUDControllerBean<E, PK extends Serializable> implements AbstractCRUDController<E, PK> {

  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E[]> fetchAll() { ... }

  @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { ... }

  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E> add(@RequestBody E entity) { ... }

  @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.PUT)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E> update(@PathVariable("id") PK id, @RequestBody E entity) { ... }

  @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E> remove(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { .. }


//Concrete controller, working with Foo entities
public class FooControllerImpl extends
        AbstractCRUDControllerBean<Foo, Long> implements FooController { 

  //ugly overriding parent's method
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Foo> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { 
    return null;

  //new fetch implementation
  @RequestMapping(value="/{id}/{date}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Foo> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id, @PathVariable("date") Date date) { .... }


1 回答 1


你是不是想用spring实现球衣的资源、子资源类型?这可能不是直接可能的。与其将通用 RESTful 服务声明为控制器,不如将其委托给他们?

//My generic CRUD Operations
public abstract class AbstractCRUDControllerBean<E, PK extends Serializable> implements AbstractCRUDController<E, PK> {

  public ResponseEntity<E[]> fetchAll() { ... }

  public ResponseEntity<E> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { ... }

  public ResponseEntity<E> add(@RequestBody E entity) { ... }

  public ResponseEntity<E> update(@PathVariable("id") PK id, @RequestBody E entity) { ... }

  public ResponseEntity<E> remove(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { .. }


//Concrete controller, working with Foo entities
public class FooControllerImpl extends
        AbstractCRUDControllerBean<Foo, Long> implements FooController { 

  //we are interested in using fetchall but not others
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Foo> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id) { 
    return fetchAll();

  //fetch with id and date
  @RequestMapping(value="/{id}/{date}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Foo> fetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id, @PathVariable("date") Date date) { .... }



@RequestMapping(value="/{id}/{date}", params={"param1","param2","!param3"})
public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<E> customFetch(@PathVariable("id") PK id, 
            @PathVariable("date") Date date, @RequestParam("param1") String param1,                
            @RequestParam("param2") String param2) {...}

当 param1 和 param2 存在而 param3 不存在时,此方法映射 /foo/id/date。

于 2011-09-12T17:53:07.663 回答