我有一个与我之前的问题类似的问题(Drupal 7 views filter by dynamic taxonomy term),只是反过来。



可以这样做吗?问题是我无法通过上下文过滤器从 URL 获取术语名称......


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After googling the whole afternoon (and posting it there), I eventually found the answer.

It's based on a tutorial on scito.ch (thanks), with only a few modifications. On the Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth) filter, be sure to check the Allow multiple values checkbox. Also (there's a lot of wrong tuts for that), don't specify anything in the WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS AVAILABLE OR A DEFAULT IS PROVIDED. It's important you specify all those 3 contextual filters.

Hope this helps someone and saves him a sunny afternoon :)

于 2011-09-11T20:59:09.620 回答