如果将十六进制字符串转换为字节数组(参见 SysUtils),您可以使用以下代码将其转换为基数 35:
function EncodeBaseX( const Values: array of Byte; var Dest: array of Byte; Radix: Integer ): Boolean;
i,j,Carry: Integer;
// We're unsuccesful up to now
Result := False;
// Check if we have an output buffer and clear it
if Length( Dest ) = 0 then Exit;
System.FillChar( Dest[ 0 ], Length( Dest ), 0 );
// fill in the details
for i := 0 to High( Values ) do begin
Carry := Values[ i ];
for j := 0 to High( Dest ) do begin
Inc( Carry, Radix * Dest[ j ] );
Dest[ j ] := Carry and $ff;
Carry := Carry shr 8;
if Carry <> 0 then Exit; // overflow
// We're succesful
Result := True;
{Bytes: array of byte (0..255); Dest: array of Byte(0..Radix-1)}
function DecodeBaseX( const Bytes: array of Byte; var Dest: array of Byte; Radix: Integer ): Boolean;
i,j,Carry: Integer;
B: array of Byte;
// We're unsuccesful up to now
Result := False;
// Copy data
if Length( Bytes ) = 0 then Exit;
SetLength( B, Length( Bytes ) );
System.Move( Bytes[ 0 ], B[ 0 ], Length( B ) );
// fill in the details
for i := High( Dest ) downto 0 do begin
Carry := 0;
for j := High( Bytes ) downto 0 do begin
Carry := Carry shl 8 + B[ j ];
B[ j ] := Carry div Radix; Carry := Carry mod Radix;
Dest[ i ] := Carry;
// Check if we collected all the bits
Carry := 0;
for i := 0 to High( B ) do Carry := Carry or B[ i ];
// We're succesful if no bits stayed pending.
Result := ( Carry = 0 );
然后将基数 35 字节转换为字符:
function EncodeKeyToString( const Num128Bits: array of Byte ): Ansistring;
Src: array [0..15] of Byte; // your 128 bits
Dest: array [0..24] of Byte;
i: Integer;
EncodeTable: AnsiString = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ';
// O is not present to make base 35. If you want a different code, be my guest.
// Convert to an array of 25 values between 0-35
System.Move( Num128Bits[ 0 ], Src[ 0 ], Length( Src ) ); // Copy data in our private placeholder
DecodeBaseX( Src, Dest, 35 );
// Convert to a representable string
SetLength( Result, Length( Dest ) );
for i := 0 to High( Dest ) do begin
Assert( Dest[ i ] < Length( EncodeTable ) );
Result[ i + 1 ] := EncodeTable[ 1 + Dest[ i ] ];
我认为您不需要 128 位数学..