我有一个字符串值,我正在尝试为其提取列表项。我想提取文本和任何子节点,但是,DOMDocument 正在将实体转换为字符,而不是保持原始状态。

我尝试将 DOMDocument::resolveExternals 和 DOMDocument::substituteEntities 设置为 false,但这没有效果。应该注意的是,我在 Win7 上运行 PHP 5.2.17。


$example = '<ul><li>text</li>'.
    '<li>&frac12; of this is <strong>strong</strong></li></ul>';

echo 'To be converted:'.PHP_EOL.$example.PHP_EOL;

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->resolveExternals = false;
$doc->substituteEntities = false;


$domNodeList = $doc->getElementsByTagName('li');
$count = $domNodeList->length;

for ($idx = 0; $idx < $count; $idx++) {
    $value = trim(_get_inner_html($domNodeList->item($idx)));
    /* remainder of processing and storing in database */
    echo 'Saved '.$value.PHP_EOL;

function _get_inner_html( $node ) {
    $innerHTML= '';
    $children = $node->childNodes;
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        $innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );

    return $innerHTML;

&frac12;最终被转换为 ½(单字符/UTF-8 版本,而不是实体版本),这不是所需的格式。


3 回答 3


非 PHP 5.3.6++ 的解决方案

$html =<<<HTML
<li>&frac12; of this is <strong>strong</strong></li></ul>

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->resolveExternals = false;
$doc->substituteEntities = false;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('li') as $node)
  echo htmlentities(iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $node->nodeValue)), "\n";
于 2011-09-08T05:47:56.497 回答

Based on the answer provided by ajreal, I've expanded the example variable to handle more cases, and changed _get_inner_html() to make recursive calls and handle the entity conversion for text nodes.

It's probably not the best answer, since it makes some assumptions about the elements (such as no attributes). But since my particular needs don't require attributes to be carried across (yet.. I'm sure my sample data will throw that one at me later on), this solution works for me.

$example = '<ul><li>text</li>'.
'<li>&frac12; of this is <strong>strong</strong></li>'.
'<li>Entity <strong attr="3">in &frac12; tag</strong></li>'.
'<li>Nested nodes <strong attr="3">in &frac12; <em>tag &frac12;</em></strong></li>'.

echo 'To be converted:'.PHP_EOL.$example.PHP_EOL;

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->resolveExternals = true;
$doc->substituteEntities = false;


$domNodeList = $doc->getElementsByTagName('li');
$count = $domNodeList->length;

for ($idx = 0; $idx < $count; $idx++) {
    $value = trim(_get_inner_html($domNodeList->item($idx)));

    /* remainder of processing and storing in database */
    echo 'Saved '.$value.PHP_EOL;


function _get_inner_html( $node ) {
    $innerHTML= '';
    $children = $node->childNodes;
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        echo 'Node type is '.$child->nodeType.PHP_EOL;
        switch ($child->nodeType) {
        case 3:
            $innerHTML .= htmlentities(iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $child->nodeValue));
            echo 'Non text node has '.$child->childNodes->length.' children'.PHP_EOL;
            echo 'Node name '.$child->nodeName.PHP_EOL;
            $innerHTML .= '<'.$child->nodeName.'>';
            $innerHTML .= _get_inner_html( $child );
            $innerHTML .= '</'.$child->nodeName.'>';

    return $innerHTML;
于 2011-09-08T06:46:29.910 回答

Need no iterate child nodes:

function innerHTML($node)
          return preg_replace("%^<{$node->nodeName}[^>]*>|</{$node->nodeName}>$%", '', $html);
于 2012-06-06T09:50:45.687 回答