随着 Office 365 的发布,是否有人可以告诉我对使用 Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools 创建的自定义可视化沙盒 Web 部件的支持,该工具为特定用户获取 Office 365 活动目录属性值?例如,如果当我订阅 Microsoft Office 365 时,我的公司已经在本地 Active Directory 环境中拥有现有用户,则可以使用工具将这些用户同步到 Office 365 目录。假设我已将本地 Active Directory 同步到 Office 365 目录,现在是否可以通过编程或 OOTB 方式为任何 Office 365 目录用户读取 Office 365 目录属性的值?我在本地 Active Directory 中添加了一个自定义属性,其中一个属性是“CC 编号”,我想为某些 XYZ 用户获取与此属性关联的值。

我们有一个 Office 365 SharePoint 应用程序,我们希望向其中添加一个(或两者)自定义沙盒 Web 部件和一个 OOTB Web 部件,该 Web 部件仅从 Office 365 目录中为各个 Office 365 目录用户读取数据。

Office 365 的第一个/当前版本是否支持此类功能?


1 回答 1


it's a really common scenario that organizations will move parts of their systems into the Microsoft Cloud by using Office365. In order to get rid of the additional AD management overhead you have to build a federation on AD level.

You need a SecureTokenService which does the authentication for your users. Microsofts implementation of STS is ADFS (ActiveDirectory Foundation Services) which could easily be plugged into an existing AD structure. Your AD has to be 2008 I think.

There is a good ebook from Dominick Baier and some other security guys available. It's called "Guide to claim based identity", you can read it online on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff423674.aspx or there is anywhere a download it think... can't remember sry.

于 2011-09-22T11:39:51.033 回答