I'm parsing some text input to xml using jdom. It have structure like:
<text>Some description</text>
<options .... />
<text>Some description 2</text>
<options .... />
Then, I need a regular w3c.dom object. I'm using this code:
DOMOutputter domOutputter = new DOMOutputter();
org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = domOutputter.output( doc );
I'm creating element with this code:
Element desc = new Element("tekst");
String description = //some function returning string
Where e is new Element("item")
It works fine, but problem is when in "description" user inserts some xml tags. I'd like to handle it. I have output like:
Is there any way to automaticaly parse those tags when creating Element? From the w3cDoc I'm creating Source with DOMSource and it's needed for further transformation. Maybe there should I replace escaped brackets?