For a system I'm working on I need to call a list of Phone numbers programatically when something breaks. Basically a simple phone based alert system, and am guessing it could be done with Skype, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience doing this, Skype or not.

Anyways links and or tutorials would be great help.


3 回答 3


I would go with sms. You can have a clearer error's message than skype's phone generated with robotic voice :)

Just search google with "sms gateways", for the operator's list. Almost all of them give api and code examples for interfacing.

于 2009-04-06T13:21:47.423 回答

You might consider a system like Twilio instead. Try the demo account (1000 free minutes) - it's very powerful and easy to set up.

于 2009-04-06T13:21:09.470 回答

您可以使用任何其他 VoIP 系统进行操作;将其与 SIP 或 XMPP 网络一起破解应该相当容易,因为它们是许多平台可用的库的标准。

但是 Skype 是一个封闭的网络,有一个封闭的(并且受到严格保护的)二进制客户端。即使您确实设法弄清楚如何与它进行互操作(并且许多都失败了),他们也可以更新客户端代码以将您拒之门外。Skype 一点也不好玩。

目前你能做到的最好的办法就是使用UI 自动化来模拟与真实 Skype 客户端的交互。(糟糕。)

于 2009-04-06T14:21:06.330 回答