
在 xaml.cs 中

public class MyLayer : INotifyPropertyChanged 

    public string Thickness { get; set; }
    public string OffsetRight { get; set; }
    public string OffsetLeft { get; set; }
    public string Material { get; set; }
    public string MaterialPopup { get; set; }
    public Rectangle rectangle { get; set; }

    public GlassRectangle GlassRectangle { get; set; }
    public MaterialLayer()
        GlassRectangle = new GlassRectangle();

    event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
        add { }
        remove {  }

public class GlassRectangle

    public Rectangle Rectangle { get; set; }
    public double Top = 0;
    public GlassRectangle()
        Rectangle = new Rectangle();


private void gridInner_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
            string cellValue = string.Empty;
            MyLayer currentLayer = ((MyLayer)(e.Row));

            if (e.Column.HeaderCaption.ToString() == "Thickness")

                cellValue =(e.Value.ToString());
                //there is alredy a rectangle - means this is edit mode
                if (currentLayer.rectangle != null)
                    currentLayer.rectangle.Height = Convert.ToDouble(cellValue);
                    currentLayer.rectangle.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0));

                //else this is insert mode

                    currentLayer.rectangle = CreateRectangle(cellValue);



 protected Rectangle  CreateRectangle(string cellval)
            Rectangle newrect = new Rectangle();
            newrect.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
            newrect.StrokeThickness = 1;
            if (cellval.ToString().Contains("."))
                newrect.Height = Convert.ToDouble(cellval) * 100;
                newrect.Height = Convert.ToDouble(cellval);
            newrect.Width = width;
            Canvas.SetLeft(newrect, 100);
            double canvasTop = 0.0;
            if (canvasboard.Children.Count > 0)
                var lastChildIndex = canvasboard.Children.Count - 1;
                var lastChild = canvasboard.Children[lastChildIndex] as FrameworkElement;
                if (lastChild != null)
                    //lastChild.Height-1: so that it come extactly on existing if set to +1 it comes below first rectangle
                    canvasTop = Canvas.GetTop(lastChild) + lastChild.Height - 1;

            Canvas.SetTop(newrect, canvasTop);
            val = val + 1;
            newrect.Tag = val;
            //rectangle = rect;

            foreach (UIElement ui in canvasboard.Children)
                if (ui.GetType() == typeof(Rectangle))

            return newrect;


private void gridMaterialInner_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
            string cellValue = string.Empty;
            string cellOldValue = string.Empty;
            MyLayer currentLayer = ((MyLayer)(e.Row));
            if (e.Column.HeaderCaption.ToString() == "Thickness")
                //current cell value
                cellValue =(e.Value.ToString());// GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, gridMaterialInner.Columns["LastName"]).ToString();
                //there is alredy a rectangle - means this is edit mode
                double currentheight = 0.0;
                double oldht = 0.0;
                // old cell value
                if (e.OldValue != null)
                    cellOldValue = (e.OldValue.ToString());
                if (currentLayer.rectangle != null)
                    if (cellValue.ToString().Contains("."))
                        currentheight = Convert.ToDouble(cellValue) * 100;
                        currentheight = Convert.ToDouble(cellValue) * 100;
                    if (cellOldValue.ToString().Contains("."))
                        oldht = Convert.ToDouble(cellOldValue) * 100;
                    else if(cellOldValue!=string.Empty)
                        oldht = Convert.ToDouble(cellOldValue) * 100;

                    currentLayer.rectangle.Height = currentheight;
                    currentLayer.rectangle.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0));

                    //Get the index of selected row
                    int layerIndex = materialBindlist.IndexOf(currentLayer);
                    for(int i = layerIndex; i < materialBindlist.Count-1; i++)
                        //set the top position of all other rectangles that are below selected rectangle/row
                        Canvas.SetTop(materialBindlist[i + 1].rectangle, (currentheight - oldht) + materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top);
                        //Canvas.SetTop(materialBindlist[i].rectangle, (currentheight - oldht) + materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top);

                //else this is insert mode
                    //MaterialLayer object
                    currentLayer.rectangle = CreateRectangle(cellValue);
                    //store Top & Rectangle object in GlassRectangle class which is referenced in MaterialLayer class
                    currentLayer.GlassRectangle.Rectangle = currentLayer.rectangle;
                    currentLayer.GlassRectangle.Top = canvasTop;




注意:我不能在我的应用程序中使用 WrapPanel。只是为了使用 Canvas 修改现有代码。


修改 CellChange 事件中的 For 循环:

int layerIndex = materialBindlist.IndexOf(currentLayer);
                    for(int i = layerIndex; i < materialBindlist.Count-1; i++)
                        //set the top position of all other rectangles that are below selected rectangle/row
                        double top=Convert.ToDouble((currentHeight - oldHeight) + materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top);
                        Canvas.SetTop(materialBindlist[i + 1].rectangle,top);

                        materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top = top;


2 回答 2


即使使用 a 也可以完成您要查找的内容,Canvas但是您应该真正考虑ItemsControl为此使用类似 an 的东西。


private void Refresh() {
  for (int i = 1; i < canvasboard.Children.Count; ++i) {
    var currentElement = canvasboard.Children[i] as FrameworkElement;
    var previousElement = canvasboard.Children[i - 1] as FrameworkElement;
    if (currentElement == null || previousElement == null)
    var requiredTop = Canvas.GetTop(previousElement) + previousElement.Height - 1;
    if (Math.Abs(Canvas.GetTop(currentElement) - requiredTop) > 0.0)
      Canvas.SetTop(currentElement, requiredTop);





xml 可能是:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
      <VirtualizingStackPanel Orientation="Vertical" />

在代码中声明Itemspublic ObservableCollection<Rectangle> Items { get; set; }


private void Add() {
  var rect = new Rectangle {
    Stroke = Brushes.Red,
    StrokeThickness = 1,
    Height = Convert.ToDouble(txtheight.Text),
    Width = 100

至于在这种情况下自动编辑现有控件时的更新。没有硬编码的定位,因为 Layout 容器会为您处理所有这些混乱。

您当然可以将Items集合类型切换为您自己的自定义控件类型MyLayer,并通过它实现 INPC,更改仍将继续是自动的。您必须定义一个DataTemplatenow 来渲染您的项目,但这就像 xaml 中的 3 行工作。

Items当需要调整现有控件时,您也可以直接使用该属性,而不必引用ItemsControlin 代码隐藏。绑定应该自动处理对视图的更新。

于 2013-07-15T12:55:53.430 回答

修改单元格更改事件中的 for 循环:

int layerIndex = materialBindlist.IndexOf(currentLayer);
                    for(int i = layerIndex; i < materialBindlist.Count-1; i++)
                        //set the top position of all other rectangles that are below selected rectangle/row
                        double top=Convert.ToDouble((currentHeight - oldHeight) + materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top);
                        Canvas.SetTop(materialBindlist[i + 1].rectangle,top);

                        materialBindlist[i + 1].GlassRectangle.Top = top;



于 2013-07-16T12:07:46.337 回答