// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Overflow highlight viewed questions
// @namespace *
// @include http://stackoverflow.com/questions
// @include http://stackoverflow.com/questions?*
// @include http://stackoverflow.com/questions
// @include http://stackoverflow.com/questions?*
// @version 0.55 (DOM-Ready instead of onload)
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Customizable items
// var fav_tags = ["python", "database", "mysql"]; // Your favorite tags
const UNSEEN_BACK_COLOR = "rgb(225,210,210)"; // Backcolor for the question already seen
const FAV_TAG_BACK_COLOR = "rgb(210,210,225)"; // Backcolor for the favorite tags
// Internal to the DOM
// const QUESTION_URL = "http:\/\/stackoverflow.com\/questions\/([0-9]+)\/";
const QUESTION_URL = "http:\/\/stackoverflow.com\/questions\/([0-9]+)\/";
const TAG_PREFIX = "show questions tagged ";
const SEEN_MARK = "x";
var seen_q = [];
var seen_q_str = "";
var seen_q_str = GM_getValue ("seen_q", "");
var seen_q = seen_q_str.split("|");
var fav_tags_str = GM_getValue ("fav_tags", "")
var fav_tags = fav_tags_str.split(" ")
var already_run = false;
GM_registerMenuCommand ("Set favorite tags", askTags);
// window.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", doStuff, false);
if (! doStuff()) {
window.addEventListener ("load", doStuff, false);
function doStuff() {
var elements = window.document.getElementsByTagName('A');
if (! elements || already_run) {
return false;
} else {
already_run = true;
GM_log ("here");
for (elem = 0; elem < elements.length; elem++) {
if (elements[elem].href.match (QUESTION_URL)) {
curr_q = RegExp.$1;
// Already seen?
if ((seen_q.length < curr_q) || (seen_q [curr_q] != SEEN_MARK)) {
elements[elem].style.backgroundColor = UNSEEN_BACK_COLOR;
seen_q [curr_q] = SEEN_MARK;
// Is a favorite tag?
node = elements[elem].parentNode.parentNode;
for (tag = 0; tag <= fav_tags.length; tag++) {
if (node.innerHTML.match ("'" + fav_tags[tag] + "'")) {
node.style.backgroundColor = FAV_TAG_BACK_COLOR;
// return (0);
seen_q_str = seen_q.join("|");
GM_setValue ("seen_q", seen_q_str);
return true;
function askTags() {
fav_tags_str = prompt("Favorite tags (separated by spaces)", fav_tags_str);
GM_setValue ("fav_tags", fav_tags_str)