



$ <basic.tex                                                                            
zsh: command not found: less -R

好的。很确定这是因为默认情况下,zsh 不会在每个空格处拆分字符串变量。无论 zsh 在哪里使用这个变量,它在应该使用 ${=READNULLCMD} 的地方都使用 $READNULLCMD,以确保选项参数通过正常空格与命令正确分隔。请参阅 1996 年的讨论(!): http ://www.zsh.org/mla/users/1996/msg00299.html

那么,在不设置 SH_WORD_SPLIT (99% 的时间我都不想要)的情况下,最好的解决方法是什么?

到目前为止,我最好的想法是将 READNULLCMD 分配给一个简单的 zsh 脚本,该脚本只在 STDIN 上调用“less -R”。例如

less -R /dev/stdin

不幸的是,由于某种原因,这似乎是一个非首发,因为这种方式很少使用,因此错过了 /dev/stdin 输入的前几行。



3 回答 3

于 2012-12-27T18:00:22.327 回答

The problem is not that less doesn't read its environment variables (LESS or LESSOPEN). The problem is that the READNULLCMD is not invoked as you might think.


does not translate into

less $LESS foo

but rather to something like

cat foo | less $LESS

or, perhaps

cat foo $LESSOPEN | less $LESS

I guess that you (like me) want to use -R to obtain syntax coloring (by using src-hilite-lesspipe.sh in LESSOPEN, which in turn uses the "source-highlight" utility). The problem with the latter two styles of invocation is that src-hilite-lesspipe.sh (embedded in $LESSOPEN) will not receive a filename, and hence it will not be able to deduce the file type (via the --infer-lang option to "source-highligt"). Without a filename suffix, "source-highlight" will revert to "no highlighting".

You can obtain syntax coloring in READNULLCMD, but in a rather useless way. This by specifying the language explicitly via the --lang-def option. However, you'll have as little clue as "source-higlight", since the there's no file name when the data is passed anonymously through the pipe. Maybe there's a way to do a on-the-fly heuristic parser and deduce it by contents, but then you've for sure left this little exercise.

于 2015-03-25T14:09:07.990 回答

$LESSenv var 设置为您始终希望在less.

所以不要在你的 zshrc 中触摸READNULLCMD和使用export LESS="R"(以及你想要的其他选项)。

于 2012-12-27T14:08:39.317 回答