
喜欢看代码的人更新:这里是使用 Adam 在答案中建议的平均点法的代码(不要错过下面答案中更好的技术)......

    BOOL moved = NO; // the first coord should be a move, the rest add lines
    CGPoint total = CGPointZero;
    for (NSDictionary *coord in [polygon objectForKey:@"coordinates"]) {
        CGPoint point = CGPointMake([(NSNumber *)[coord objectForKey:@"x"] floatValue], 
                                    [(NSNumber *)[coord objectForKey:@"y"] floatValue]);
        if (moved) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, point.x, point.y);
            // calculate totals of x and y to help find the center later
            // skip the first "move" point since it is repeated at the end in this data
            total.x = total.x + point.x;
            total.y = total.y + point.y;
        } else {
            CGContextMoveToPoint(context, point.x, point.y);
            moved = YES; // we only move once, then we add lines

    // the center is the average of the total points
    CGPoint center = CGPointMake(total.x / ([[polygon objectForKey:@"coordinates"] count]-1), total.y / ([[polygon objectForKey:@"coordinates"] count]-1));



6 回答 6


该技术有效,但您在问题中输入的代码无效。AFAICS,仅适用于您只做直线多边形的少数情况,并且您有一个点列表,并且您还没有制作 CGPath 对象。

我需要为任意 CGPath 对象做这件事。使用亚当(其他亚当)的建议和苹果的 CGPathApply,我想出了这个,效果很好:

            float dataArray[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
            CGPathApply( (CGPathRef) YOUR_PATH, dataArray, pathApplierSumCoordinatesOfAllPoints);

            float averageX = dataArray[0] / dataArray[2];
            float averageY = dataArray[1]  / dataArray[2];
            CGPoint centerOfPath = CGPointMake(averageX, averageY);

static void pathApplierSumCoordinatesOfAllPoints(void* info, const CGPathElement* element)
    float* dataArray = (float*) info;
    float xTotal = dataArray[0];
    float yTotal = dataArray[1];
    float numPoints = dataArray[2];

    switch (element->type)
        case kCGPathElementMoveToPoint:
            /** for a move to, add the single target point only */

            CGPoint p = element->points[0];
            xTotal += p.x;
            yTotal += p.y;
            numPoints += 1.0;

        case kCGPathElementAddLineToPoint:
            /** for a line to, add the single target point only */

            CGPoint p = element->points[0];
            xTotal += p.x;
            yTotal += p.y;
            numPoints += 1.0;

        case kCGPathElementAddQuadCurveToPoint:
            for( int i=0; i<2; i++ ) // note: quad has TWO not THREE
                /** for a curve, we add all ppints, including the control poitns */
                CGPoint p = element->points[i];
                xTotal += p.x;
                yTotal += p.y;
                numPoints += 1.0;
        case kCGPathElementAddCurveToPoint:         
            for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) // note: cubic has THREE not TWO
                /** for a curve, we add all ppints, including the control poitns */
                CGPoint p = element->points[i];
                xTotal += p.x;
                yTotal += p.y;
                numPoints += 1.0;
        case kCGPathElementCloseSubpath:
            /** for a close path, do nothing */

    //NSLog(@"new x=%2.2f, new y=%2.2f, new num=%2.2f", xTotal, yTotal, numPoints);
    dataArray[0] = xTotal;
    dataArray[1] = yTotal;
    dataArray[2] = numPoints;
于 2011-12-24T20:34:42.583 回答


我使用该区域实现了它(参见维基百科、多边形的质心Paul Bourke 的页面)。它可能不是最有效的实现,但它对我有用。


CGPoint GetCenterPointOfCGPath (CGPathRef aPath)
    // Convert path to an array
    NSMutableArray* a = [NSMutableArray new];
    CGPathApply(aPath, (__bridge void *)(a), convertToListOfPoints);
    return centroid(a);

static void convertToListOfPoints(void* info, const CGPathElement* element)
    NSMutableArray* a = (__bridge NSMutableArray*) info;

    switch (element->type)
        case kCGPathElementMoveToPoint:
            [a addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:element->points[0]]];
        case kCGPathElementAddLineToPoint:
            [a addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:element->points[0]]];
        case kCGPathElementAddQuadCurveToPoint:
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
                [a addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:element->points[i]]];
        case kCGPathElementAddCurveToPoint:
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
                [a addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:element->points[i]]];
        case kCGPathElementCloseSubpath:

double polygonArea(NSMutableArray* points) {
    int i,j;
    double area = 0;
    int N = [points count];

    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
        j = (i + 1) % N;
        CGPoint pi =  [(NSValue*)[points objectAtIndex:i] CGPointValue];
        CGPoint pj =  [(NSValue*)[points objectAtIndex:j] CGPointValue];
        area += pi.x * pj.y;
        area -= pi.y * pj.x;

    area /= 2;
    return area;

CGPoint centroid(NSMutableArray* points) {
    double cx = 0, cy = 0;
    double area = polygonArea(points);

    int i, j, n = [points count];

    double factor = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        j = (i + 1) % n;
        CGPoint pi =  [(NSValue*)[points objectAtIndex:i] CGPointValue];
        CGPoint pj =  [(NSValue*)[points objectAtIndex:j] CGPointValue];
        factor = (pi.x * pj.y - pj.x * pi.y);
        cx += (pi.x + pj.x) * factor;
        cy += (pi.y + pj.y) * factor;

    cx *= 1 / (6.0f * area);
    cy *= 1 / (6.0f * area);

    return CGPointMake(cx, cy);
于 2013-10-04T09:18:30.593 回答

路径中点的所有 x 和所有 y 的简单平均值是否给出了您想要的点?为 x 计算一个值,为 y 计算一个值。我做了一个速写,这个方法给出了一个可信的答案。


如果不是,您可能需要先找到该区域 - 请参阅Paul Bourke 的页面。

于 2011-08-25T06:56:36.680 回答

更新了亚当对 swift4 版本的回答:

extension CGPath {
    func findCenter() -> CGPoint {
        class Context {
            var sumX: CGFloat = 0
            var sumY: CGFloat = 0
            var points = 0

        var context = Context()

        apply(info: &context) { (context, element) in
            guard let context = context?.assumingMemoryBound(to: Context.self).pointee else {
            switch element.pointee.type {
            case .moveToPoint, .addLineToPoint:
                let point = element.pointee.points[0]
                context.sumX += point.x
                context.sumY += point.y
                context.points += 1
            case .addQuadCurveToPoint:
                let controlPoint = element.pointee.points[0]
                let point = element.pointee.points[1]
                context.sumX += point.x + controlPoint.x
                context.sumY += point.y + controlPoint.y
                context.points += 2
            case .addCurveToPoint:
                let controlPoint1 = element.pointee.points[0]
                let controlPoint2 = element.pointee.points[1]
                let point = element.pointee.points[2]
                context.sumX += point.x + controlPoint1.x + controlPoint2.x
                context.sumY += point.y + controlPoint1.y + controlPoint2.y
                context.points += 3
            case .closeSubpath:

        return CGPoint(x: context.sumX / CGFloat(context.points),
                y: context.sumY / CGFloat(context.points))

但要小心,CGPath 可能有额外的移动命令,因为点数会破坏这个逻辑

于 2018-11-15T12:51:19.083 回答


-(CLLocationCoordinate2D)getCentroidFor:(GMSMutablePath *)rect
  CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = [rect coordinateAtIndex:0];
  double minX = coord.longitude;
  double maxX = coord.longitude;
  double minY = coord.latitude;
  double maxY = coord.latitude;
  for (int i = 1; i < rect.count; i++)
    CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = [rect coordinateAtIndex:i];
    if (minX > coord.longitude)
      minX = coord.longitude;
    if (maxX < coord.longitude)
      maxX = coord.longitude;
    if (minY > coord.latitude)
      minY = coord.latitude;
    if (maxY < coord.latitude)
      maxY = coord.latitude;

  CLLocationDegrees centerX = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2);
  CLLocationDegrees centerY = minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2); 
    return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(centerY, centerX);
于 2015-07-01T06:00:58.520 回答

找到 CGPath 的边界框并取其中心。

CGRect boundingBox = CGPathGetBoundingBox(my_path); my_center_point = ccp(boundingBox.origin.x+boundingBox.size.width/2, boundingBox.origin.y+boundingBox.size.height/2);

于 2013-10-01T10:42:46.583 回答