我将 JRuby 1.6.3 与 Cucumber 1.0.2 一起使用。当我运行我的功能(jruby -S cucumber features\add_two_numbers.feature)时,我得到:
Feature: Add two numbers
In order to add not have to use my head
I want to add two numbers
Scenario: Add two numbers←[90m # features\add_two_numbers.feature:7←[0m
←[32mGiven I have a calculator←[90m # features/steps/calculator_steps.rb:11←[0m←[0m
←[32mWhen I add the numbers ←[32m←[1m1←[0m←[0m←[32m and ←[32m←[1m2←[0m←[0m←[32m←[90m#features/steps/calculator_steps.rb:18←[0m←[0m
←[32mThen I get ←[32m←[1m3←[0m←[0m←[32m←[90m # features/steps/calculator_steps.rb:25←[0m←[0m
1 scenario (←[32m1 passed←[0m)
3 steps (←[32m3 passed←[0m)