Kismet 设备错误操作系统:Opensuse Tubleweed

双频无线-AC 7265 Intel

内核:iklwifi / wlan1


INFO: Probing interface 'wlan1' to find datasource type
INFO: Found type 'linuxwifi' for 'wlan1'
INFO: Opened kismetdb log file './/Kismet-20220228-12-15-59-1.kismet'
INFO: Saving packets to the Kismet database log.
INFO: Starting Kismet web server...
INFO: HTTP server listening on
FATAL:  Datasource helper failed, could not process incoming control packet.
ERROR: wlan1 failed to create monitor vif interface 'wlan1mon' for 
       interface 'wlan1': failed to create monitor interface wlan1:wlan1mon
ERROR: Data source 'wlan1 / wlan1' ('wlan1') encountered an error: wlan1 
       could not bring down interface 'wlan1' to set monitor mode: failed 
       to set flags on interface 'wlan1': Operation not permitted
ALERT: SOURCEERROR Source wlan1 (5FE308BD-0000-0000-0000-A402B937F7B2) has 
       encountered an error (wlan1 could not bring down interface 'wlan1' 
       to set monitor mode: failed to set flags on interface 'wlan1': 
       Operation not permitted) Kismet will attempt to re-open the source 
       in 5 seconds.  (1 failures)

iwconfig wlp2s0 模式监视器
nmcli 设备集 wlan1 管理 true
iwconfig wlan0 模式管理

在几个组合中 iwconfig 显示:
wlan1 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:off/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Encryption key:off 电源管理:off

或: wlan1 IEEE 802.11 Mode:Monitor Tx-Power=-2147483648 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off 电源管理:off

所以我需要一些关于配置 kismet 的帮助


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