我正在使用 pcl 库,在 Windows 上使用 Visual Studio 2019。不幸的是,即使使用文件的完整路径,我也无法加载我下载的演示文件。
异常发生在 reader.read("table_scene_lms400.pcd", *cloud); // 记得先下载文件!
#include <iostream>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
main(int argc, char** argv)
pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2());
pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2());
// Fill in the cloud data
pcl::PCDReader reader;
// Replace the path below with the path where you saved your file
reader.read("table_scene_lms400.pcd", *cloud); // Remember to download the file first!
std::cerr << "PointCloud before filtering: " << cloud->width * cloud->height
<< " data points (" << pcl::getFieldsList(*cloud) << ")." << std::endl;
// Create the filtering object
pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> sor;
sor.setLeafSize(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
std::cerr << "PointCloud after filtering: " << cloud_filtered->width * cloud_filtered->height
<< " data points (" << pcl::getFieldsList(*cloud_filtered) << ")." << std::endl;
pcl::PCDWriter writer;
writer.write("table_scene_lms400_downsampled.pcd", *cloud_filtered,
Eigen::Vector4f::Zero(), Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity(), false);
return (0);
例外是: PCL_Down_Sample_Point_Clouds.exe 中 0x00007FFB65A94F69 处的未处理异常:Microsoft C++ 异常:内存位置 0x000000377BBFE9A0 处的 std::bad_alloc。