我想知道如何检测用户何时在伴奏权限库中撤销了权限(两次拒绝权限) ,我还检查了该库的 GitHub 存储库和示例是旧的。


compose_version = '1.2.0-alpha03'

伴奏版本 = '0.24.2-alpha'


fun CameraPermission() {
    /* Camera permission state.*/
    val cameraPermissionState = rememberPermissionState(permission = Manifest.permission.CAMERA)

    val context = LocalContext.current
    val intent =Intent(
        Uri.fromParts("package", BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, null))

    when (cameraPermissionState.status) {

        /* If the camera permission is granted, then show screen with the feature enabled.*/
        PermissionStatus.Granted -> {
            Text("Camera permission Granted")

        is PermissionStatus.Denied -> {
            * This is a rationale explaining why we need the camera permission.
            * We are displaying this because the user has denied the permission once.
            * */
            if (cameraPermissionState.status.shouldShowRationale) {
                * If the user has denied the permission but the rationale can be shown, then gently
                * explain why the app requires this permission
                * */
                Column {
                    Text(text = "The camera is important for this app. Please grant the permission.")
                    Button(onClick = { cameraPermissionState.launchPermissionRequest() }) {
                        Text("Grant permission")
            } else {
                * If it's the first time the user lands on this feature, or the user doesn't want to
                * be asked again for this permission, explain that the permission is required
                * */
                Column {
                    Text(text = "Camera permission required for this feature to be available. Please grant the permission")
                    Button(onClick = { cameraPermissionState.launchPermissionRequest() }) {
                        Text("Grant permission")

/*todo("permission denied twice.")*/
                    Text(text = "Camera permission denied twice. Please grant the permission")
                        onClick = {
                    ) {
                        Text("Open settings to grant permission.")

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