在过去八年左右的时间里,我一直在使用 Stingray,并且已经考虑过几次放弃它。到目前为止,我已经决定反对,主要是因为我已经将一个版本移植到 Windows CE 和 Mobile,并且在这个平台上没有看到太多提供相同解决方案的其他版本。虽然 Stingray 并不完美,但他们现在有了 64 位版本,而且它是一个相当稳定的产品。
我正在做的是用替代品替换 Stingray 非常薄弱的领域,例如 XML 支持。在这种情况下,出于性能原因, 我选择了Expat 。
搬家的危害?您可以从稳定但老式的东西变成漂亮但易碎的东西;)在我的情况下,我还会杀死相当多在 GUI 级别工作的自动化测试脚本。
Edit: Just to add a bit to the above, I moved from VS2003 to VS2008 this week and at the same time Objective Studio 2006 v2 to Objective Studio 10.1. The transition was pretty seamless, with one minor glitch that was promptly handled by RogueWave tech support. Even this would have gone unnoticed if we didn't have a very extensive GUI regression test suite. IMO, Stingray is a very mature, well supported, feature rich and most importantly stable product. I for won't be moving of it any time soon without very good reason.