因此,我正在尝试使用 glightbox biati-digital /glightbox制作我的视频/图像库,以播放具有多种流质量的 m3u8 文件,但无法使用 lightbox 实现它。我在这里找到了一个独立视频的解决方案Plyr + HLS.js & video quality Matthew Marino,但我的 js 还没有达到在 glightbox 中实现该解决方案的水平。任何想法如何让它工作?我尝试将代码传递给 glightbox.js,但这会破坏画廊 - 直接点击的视频不仅仅播放缓冲。

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const source = '/2/hls_out.m3u8';
const video = 

const controls = [
'play-large', // The large play button in 
the center
        'quality', // Restart playback
        'rewind', // Rewind by the seek time (default 10 seconds)
        'play', // Play/pause playback
        'fast-forward', // Fast forward by the seek time (default 10 seconds)
        'progress', // The progress bar and scrubber for playback and buffering
        'current-time', // The current time of playback
        'duration', // The full duration of the media
        'mute', // Toggle mute
        'volume', // Volume control
        'captions', // Toggle captions
        'settings', // Settings menu
        'pip', // Picture-in-picture (currently Safari only)
        'download', // Show a download button with a link to either the current source or a custom URL you specify in your options
        'fullscreen' // Toggle fullscreen

  // For more options see: 
  // captions.update is required for 
captions to work with hls.js
////  const player = new Plyr(video, { 
controls }, { captions: { active: true, 
update: true, language: 'en' }

const defaultOptions = {controls: 
["play", "progress","current-time","duration","volume", "settings", "download","fullscreen"
],urls: {
download: './2/3.mp4',

if (!Hls.isSupported()) {
    video.src = source;
    var player = new Plyr(video, defaultOptions);
} else {
    // For more Hls.js options, see https://github.com/dailymotion/hls.js
    const hls = new Hls();

    // From the m3u8 playlist, hls parses the manifest and returns
            // all available video qualities. This is important, in this approach,
            // we will have one source on the Plyr player.
           hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function (event, data) {

             // Transform available levels into an array of integers (height values).
            const availableQualities = hls.levels.map((l) => l.height)
        availableQualities.unshift(0) //prepend 0 to quality array

            // Add new qualities to option
        defaultOptions.quality = {
            default: 0, //Default - AUTO
            options: availableQualities,
            forced: true,
            onChange: (e) => updateQuality(e),
        // Add Auto Label
        defaultOptions.i18n = {
            qualityLabel: {
                0: 'Auto',

        hls.on(Hls.Events.LEVEL_SWITCHED, function (event, data) {
          var span = document.querySelector(".plyr__menu__container [data-plyr='quality'][value='0'] span")
          if (hls.autoLevelEnabled) {
            span.innerHTML = `AUTO (${hls.levels[data.level].height}p)`
          } else {
            span.innerHTML = `AUTO`

         // Initialize new Plyr player with quality options
         var player = new Plyr(video, defaultOptions);

    window.hls = hls;

function updateQuality(newQuality) {
  if (newQuality === 0) {
    window.hls.currentLevel = -1; //Enable AUTO quality if option.value = 0
  } else {
    window.hls.levels.forEach((level, levelIndex) => {
      if (level.height === newQuality) {
        console.log("Found quality match with " + newQuality);
        window.hls.currentLevel = levelIndex;

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