I am using an AsyncTask to handle complex background operations (compiling a log file to send) and I use a ProgressDialog to show the user progress. I have tried using showDialog() but it never seems to show or dismiss (it is never called), and I followed tutorials on how to do it... So I am using unmanaged ones, and it won't dismiss my message. I am also wanting to update the message as it starts to compile the log file (as it seems to lag there - or maybe the text view is just really long so it doesn't update like it is supposed to).
I have moved my code around a bit so it look like there are problems (like onProgressUpdate()), but I don't know how to make it work. I have looked around this site and nothing seems to be having the problem I am (not exactly anyways). RunOnUiThread() doesn't work, new Thread(){} doesn't work, and onProgressUpdate() I can't get to work (the documentation is confusing on this).
It also never dismisses. I have set up a listener and it never dismisses.
Does anyone know what is wrong with my code? I thought AsyncTask was supposed to be simple.
private class BuildLogTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {
String temp;
ProgressDialog progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(context); //variable is defined at onCreate (held as private, not static)
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
temp = buildLog();
logdata = temp;
return temp;
protected void onProgressUpdate() {
progressdialog.setMessage("Compiling Log File...");
protected void onPreExecute() {
Log.w(TAG,"Showing Dialog");
ProgressDialog progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(context);
progressdialog.setMessage("Gathering Data...");
progressdialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
Log.e(TAG,"Progress Dialog dismissal.");
protected void onCancelled(){
Log.e(TAG,"Progress Dialog was Cancelled");
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {