我正在使用带有代码的提示工具包 python 库:

from __future__ import annotations
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import checkboxlist_dialog

results: list[str] = checkboxlist_dialog(
    title="CheckboxList dialog",
    text="What would you like in your breakfast ?",
        ("eggs", "Eggs"),
        ("bacon", "Bacon"),
        ("croissants", "20 Croissants"),
        ("daily", "The breakfast of the day"),

当我运行 mypy 0.931 时,我得到:

test.py:4: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "List[<nothing>]", variable has type "List[str]")
test.py:4: note: "List" is invariant -- see https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/common_issues.html#variance
test.py:4: note: Consider using "Sequence" instead, which is covariant
test.py:7: error: Argument "values" to "checkboxlist_dialog" has incompatible type "List[Tuple[str, str]]"; expected "Optional[List[Tuple[<nothing>, Union[str, MagicFormattedText, List[Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, Callable[[MouseEvent], None]]]], Callable[[], Any], None]]]]"

我不确定问题是否出在我的代码上,因为返回值类似于['eggs', 'bacon']which is a list[str]。mypy 的这个错误也很奇怪,因为我认为我不应该在这里使用协变。关于可能是什么问题的任何提示?


1 回答 1


我认为问题在于 mypy 关于checkboxlist_dialog函数的信息非常少,当然也不知道可以从value参数中找出它的返回类型。


from typing import cast

results = cast(list[string], checkboxlist_dialog(....))

它告诉 mypy 你知道你在做什么,并且返回类型真的是 a list[string],不管它怎么想。

于 2022-01-09T19:40:19.190 回答