您好,我是 pine 新手,我有一个问题。我想编写一个脚本,帮助我绘制连接选定范围内第一根蜡烛的收盘价和该范围内所有其他蜡烛的收盘价的线。

我认为我在理解 pine 运行时遇到了一些问题,因为使用 for 循环或条件结构似乎很糟糕,但我找不到解决方案。我试过if但没有成功,想法是在我选择开始/结束点后,代码应该是这样的:

if bar_index > bar_index[barStart] and bar_index < bar_index[barEnd]
     line.new(bar_index[barStart], close[barStart], bar_index, close)
   else na


for i = bar_index[barStart]+1 to bar_index[barEnd]
line.new(bar_index[barStart], close[barStart], bar_index[i], close[i])


indicator("Close", overlay=true)
//      Range Start
t0          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)
p0          = input.price(defval = 0,                               confirm = true)
//      Range End
t1          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)
p1          = input.price(defval = 0,                               confirm = true)

// Bar counting 
t_bar(_t) =>
    var int _bar = na
    if time_close[1] <= _t and time >= _t
        _bar := bar_index
start       =   int(t_bar(t0))
end         =   int(t_bar(t1))
//Counting bars in the selected range
barStart    =   bar_index - start
barEnd      =   bar_index - end
barDelta    =   end - start
//Print results
plot(barStart,  "Range start")
plot(barEnd,    "Range end")
plot(barDelta,  "Candles in range")


我想画什么 我想画什么



1 回答 1



indicator("Close", overlay=true)
//      Range Start
t0          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)
//      Range End
t1          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)

first_bar = time >= t0 and time[1] < t0
in_range = time > t0 and time <= t1
post_bar = time > t1 and time[1] <= t1

var float start_close = na
var int start_index = na

if first_bar
    start_close := close
    start_index := bar_index

if in_range and not first_bar
    line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)
if post_bar
    num_bars = bar_index[1] - start_index
    delta = close[1] - start_close
    info_text = "Start Bar : " + str.tostring(start_index) + "\nEnd Bar : " + str.tostring(bar_index[1]) + "\nNumber of bars : " + str.tostring(num_bars) + "\nPrice delta : " + str.tostring(delta)
    label.new(x = bar_index[1], y = high[1], style = label.style_label_lower_left, size = size.small, text = info_text)






indicator("MTF Close", overlay=true)
//      Range Start
t0          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)
//      Range End
t1          = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"),      confirm = true)

tf = input.timeframe("240", title = "higher timeframe")

htf_close = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, time_close)

is_htf_closing_bar = time_close == htf_close

new_htf = ta.change(time(tf)) != 0

var bool started_first_htf_bar = false
var float start_close = na
var int start_index = na

var bool started_last_htf_bar = false

if time >= t0 and time[1] < t0 and new_htf
    started_first_htf_bar := true
else if new_htf
    started_first_htf_bar := false

if started_first_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar and na(start_close)
    start_close := close
    start_index := bar_index
else if not started_first_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar and time > t0 and time < t1
    line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)

if time >= t1 and time[1] < t1 and new_htf
    started_last_htf_bar := true
else if new_htf
    started_last_htf_bar := false

if started_last_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar
    line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)

post_bar = new_htf and started_last_htf_bar[1]

if post_bar
    num_bars = bar_index[1] - start_index
    delta = close[1] - start_close
    info_text = "Start Bar : " + str.tostring(start_index) + "\nEnd Bar : " + str.tostring(bar_index[1]) + "\nNumber of bars : " + str.tostring(num_bars) + "\nPrice delta : " + str.tostring(delta)
    label.new(x = bar_index[1], y = high[1], style = label.style_label_lower_left, size = size.small, text = info_text)    
于 2022-01-09T23:37:54.433 回答