indicator("Close", overlay=true)
// Range Start
t0 = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"), confirm = true)
// Range End
t1 = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"), confirm = true)
first_bar = time >= t0 and time[1] < t0
in_range = time > t0 and time <= t1
post_bar = time > t1 and time[1] <= t1
var float start_close = na
var int start_index = na
if first_bar
start_close := close
start_index := bar_index
if in_range and not first_bar
line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)
if post_bar
num_bars = bar_index[1] - start_index
delta = close[1] - start_close
info_text = "Start Bar : " + str.tostring(start_index) + "\nEnd Bar : " + str.tostring(bar_index[1]) + "\nNumber of bars : " + str.tostring(num_bars) + "\nPrice delta : " + str.tostring(delta)
label.new(x = bar_index[1], y = high[1], style = label.style_label_lower_left, size = size.small, text = info_text)
indicator("MTF Close", overlay=true)
// Range Start
t0 = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"), confirm = true)
// Range End
t1 = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"), confirm = true)
tf = input.timeframe("240", title = "higher timeframe")
htf_close = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, time_close)
is_htf_closing_bar = time_close == htf_close
new_htf = ta.change(time(tf)) != 0
var bool started_first_htf_bar = false
var float start_close = na
var int start_index = na
var bool started_last_htf_bar = false
if time >= t0 and time[1] < t0 and new_htf
started_first_htf_bar := true
else if new_htf
started_first_htf_bar := false
if started_first_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar and na(start_close)
start_close := close
start_index := bar_index
else if not started_first_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar and time > t0 and time < t1
line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)
if time >= t1 and time[1] < t1 and new_htf
started_last_htf_bar := true
else if new_htf
started_last_htf_bar := false
if started_last_htf_bar and is_htf_closing_bar
line.new(x1 = start_index, y1 = start_close, x2 = bar_index, y2 = close)
post_bar = new_htf and started_last_htf_bar[1]
if post_bar
num_bars = bar_index[1] - start_index
delta = close[1] - start_close
info_text = "Start Bar : " + str.tostring(start_index) + "\nEnd Bar : " + str.tostring(bar_index[1]) + "\nNumber of bars : " + str.tostring(num_bars) + "\nPrice delta : " + str.tostring(delta)
label.new(x = bar_index[1], y = high[1], style = label.style_label_lower_left, size = size.small, text = info_text)