如何公开Dynamics CRM 2011实体(如潜在客户、机会等)以在BizTalk 2010 等EAI工具中使用?


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Here is an article that talks about the different approaches that you can use to integrate the two server

So in real life, your choice as a BizTalk developer will have to be either (a) deal with messiness of creating and consuming untyped messages, or (b) build proxy services for BizTalk to invoke that take in typed objects and communicate to Dynamics CRM. Ideally the Microsoft team would ship a WCF behavior that I could add to the BizTalk adapter that would do this typed-to-untyped translation both inbound and outbound, but I haven’t heard any mention of anything like that.

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Integrating Dynamics CRM 2011 and BizTalk Server 2010

于 2011-08-12T06:55:27.330 回答

我已经使用 Roedl BizTalk Adapter for CRM 来做到这一点。在将无类型重复节点来回映射到我们定义的实体类型方面为我节省了大量时间。功能与任何其他 WCF-LOB 适配器非常相似。

免责声明:我不为 Roedl 工作,但我工作的公司目前正在考虑与他们达成合作协议。

于 2011-10-25T02:48:03.387 回答