我一直在努力为 D&D 创建一个随机字符生成器,​​该生成器使用基于用户输入数据的概率,并且在使用滑块时遇到了障碍。在我的代码中,目的是让用户输入有关城市的信息,因此他们将首先输入城市的总人口(即 5000),然后输入该城市中精灵、矮人、人类等的百分比。我想为此使用滑块(这是一个学校项目,所以我想展示不同的技能,而不是对所有内容都使用文本输入),但我目前的解决方案是让多个滑块相互交互(所以如果矮人滑块在 50 %,所有其他人必须加起来 50%)不是很优雅,我想知道是否有人有更好的解决方案


import random
import time
import os
import sys
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

def SliderUpdate(z):
    Z = DwarfSlide.get()#gets the current value of the dwarf slider (1 - 100)
    a = oneSlide.get()#gets the current value of the one slider (1-100)
    onelabel.configure(text=a)#changes the text of the labels to what the sliders currently are
    PercentSpent = Z + a#adds the two percentages together in order to find out what has been spent (if  one == 30 and dwarf == 40, then 70% will have already been used
    totalPercentLeft = 100 - PercentSpent#how much is yet to be used by the sliders

    dwarfUpdate = Z + totalPercentLeft#gets a value so that the slider can be updated to give a new maximum value
    DwarfSlide.configure(to=dwarfUpdate)#updates the slider with the new maximum value

    oneUpdate = a + totalPercentLeft

    DwarfDecim = Z/100
    oneDecim = a/100
    DwarfPop = DwarfDecim*TotalValue
    DwarfPop = int(DwarfPop)
    onePop = oneDecim*TotalValue
    onePop = int(onePop)
    totalPop = onePop + DwarfPop#used to check if accurate results are being given

    print("one Population is: ", onePop ,",   Dwarf Population is:  ", DwarfPop, "   Original total Population is;   ", TotalValue, "   and new total population is;     ", totalPop)

global TotalValue#Total value is a User input for the population of a city  - it can be any value
TotalValue = 1000

global CalibrateWin
CalibrateWin = tk.Tk()#creates a new window for the Calibration section
CalibrateWin.title('RCG 3.1')
Calib_w = 600
Calib_h = 400
screen_w = CalibrateWin.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_h = CalibrateWin.winfo_screenheight()
centre_x = int(screen_w/2 - Calib_w/2)
centre_y = int(screen_h/2 - Calib_h/2)
CalibrateWin.geometry(f'{Calib_w}x{Calib_h}+{centre_x}+{centre_y}')#centres on every screen

DwarfVar = tk.DoubleVar()
DwarfSlide = tk.Scale(CalibrateWin, from_=1, length =100, to=100, orient='horizontal', variable=DwarfVar, command=SliderUpdate, resolution = 1, showvalue = 0)#creates a scale on the calibrate window from the range 1 - 100, with a horizontal orientation, and will trigger the 'SliderUpdate subroutine when moved)
DwarfSlide.place(x=150, y=70)
DwarfSlide['state'] = 'normal'#prevents it from being half clicked when created
DwarfValuelabel = tk.Label(CalibrateWin, text="-")#this label will be updated with what the percentage currently is
DwarfValuelabel.place(x=10, y=70)

oneVar = tk.DoubleVar()#same code as above but for a second variable
oneSlide = tk.Scale(CalibrateWin, from_=1, length =100, to=100, orient='horizontal', variable=oneVar, command=SliderUpdate, resolution = 1, showvalue = 0)
oneSlide.place(x=150, y=100)
oneSlide['state'] = 'normal'
onelabel = tk.Label(CalibrateWin, text="-")
onelabel.place(x=10, y=100)



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