I have the same example as before (interpolation of grouped data using data.table), but here I am trying to use ggplot2 to create a single .pdf plot for each site_no. Instead of the data for each site_no printed on a single .pdf, all of the data from all of the plots are printed on each site_no named .pdf. Can you assist?
Thank you.
tempbigdata1 <- data.table(c(14.80, 14.81, 14.82), c(7900, 7920, 7930), c("02437100", "02437100", "02437100"))
tempbigdata2 <- data.table(c(9.98, 9.99, 10.00), c(816, 819, 821), c("02446500", "02446500", "02446500"))
tempbigdata3 <- data.table(c(75.65, 75.66, 75.67), c(23600, 23700, 23800), c("02467000", "02467000", "02467000"))
tempsbigdata <- rbind(tempbigdata1, tempbigdata2, tempbigdata3)
setnames(tempsbigdata,c("depth", "discharge", "site_no"))
setkey(tempsbigdata, site_no)
depth discharge site_no
1: 14.80 7900 02437100
2: 14.81 7920 02437100
3: 14.82 7930 02437100
4: 9.98 816 02446500
5: 9.99 819 02446500
6: 10.00 821 02446500
7: 75.65 23600 02467000
8: 75.66 23700 02467000
9: 75.67 23800 02467000
ratingsplot <- tempsbigdata[,list(discharge,depth),by=site_no]
for (u in unique(ratingsplot$site_no)) {pdf(file = file.path("/plots/", paste0(u, "_rating.pdf", sep = "")))
p <- ggplot(ratingsplot, aes(x = discharge, y = depth, group = site_no))
print(p <- p + geom_point() + theme_bw())