我在理解如何使用 aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers 时遇到了一些麻烦。目前,我有一个图像或一个 aruco 标签建模,我的相机安装在 Gazebo sim 中的无人机上,该无人机正在飞向标签。标签被识别,我估计了标记的姿势。我假设正在发生的事情是 TVecs 正在返回与我的相机相关的标记的 X、Y、Z。从那我正确地转换坐标系并用它来指挥我的无人机。但是,我发现使用错误的无人机会自行移动,因此 aruco 标签位于图像的 0,0 处。

我混淆了estimatePoseSingleMarker 函数的功能吗?也许我需要做些什么才能完成这项工作?

这是我正在使用的代码片段。有一些代码可以获取相机坐标并根据无人机的 YPR 将它们转换为与无人机的世界坐标偏移量。

 (corners, ids, rejected) = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(img, self.alg.ARUCO_DICT, parameters=self.alg.ARUCO_PARAMS)

    if ids is not None:
        for id in ids:
            #Set the length of the ID detected.
            if(id[0] == 20):
                aruco_len = 0.25
                #Get the rotation vec and translation vec of the camera to the aruco I believe. can use this to control the quad.
                rvecs, tvecs = cv2.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners[0], aruco_len, self.alg.camera_matrix, self.alg.camera_dist)

                print tvecs

                cam_pts = np.array([[-tvecs[0][0][1]], 

                print cam_pts

                error = self.cam2Local(cam_pts)

def cam2Local(self, cam_pts):
    #Here in the function build the Rot matrix of the quadcopter, take XYZ points from camera, [y x z 1] format. Rot_Mat * Cam_Pts will give Aruco wrld pts

    roll  = self.roll
    pitch = self.pitch
    yaw   = self.yaw 

    #print str("Pitch: " + str(pitch) + " Roll: " + str(roll) + " Yaw: " + str(yaw))
    rot_mat = np.array([[math.cos(roll)*math.cos(pitch),  (math.cos(roll)*math.sin(pitch)*math.sin(yaw))-(math.sin(roll)*math.cos(yaw)), math.cos(roll)*math.sin(pitch)*math.cos(yaw)+math.sin(roll)*math.sin(yaw), 0],
                        [math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch),  (math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)*math.sin(yaw))+(math.cos(pitch)*math.cos(yaw)), math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)*math.cos(yaw)-math.cos(roll)*math.sin(yaw), 0],
                        [              -math.sin(pitch),                                              math.cos(pitch)*math.sin(yaw),                                             math.cos(pitch)*math.cos(yaw), 0],
                        [                             0,                                                                          0,                                                                         0, 1]])
    Local_pts = np.matmul(rot_mat, cam_pts)

    #print rot_mat

    return Local_pts 

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