我建立了一个简单的策略,然后添加了一个系统来跟踪任何买单,并且只有在发出更高价格的卖出信号时才卖出与该买单相对应的大小。每当我这样做时,它似乎工作得很好,但是当我绘制结果时,交易停止出现,并且在图表中的某个时间,它说我只剩下 0 现金,但它继续执行买卖订单。我究竟做错了什么?
class MyStrat2(bt.Strategy):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.rsi = bt.talib.RSI(self.data, period=14)
self.keltner = KeltnerChannels()
self.pending = {}
# Dictionary containing pending orders as (key, value) = (price, size)
def next(self):
#Check if there is cash left to trade
if self.rsi < 30 and self.env.broker.getcash() > 0:
price = self.data[0]
size = self.env.broker.getcash() / self.data[0]
size = size / 2
self.pending[price] = size
#Calculate order size and add it to pending orders
print("Buy at {}, size {}".format(price, size))
if self.rsi > 70 and self.position:
size, self.pending = sellSizeRSI(self.pending, self.data[0])
#Calculate the size of sell and update the pending orders deleting the ones we
#We are selling
if size > 0:
print("Maybe sell at {}, with size {}".format(self.data[0], size))
def sellSizeRSI(dictionary, lastPrice):
amount = 0
priceList = []
#We iterate the pending orders
for price, size in dictionary.items():
#If we earn profit
if price < lastPrice:
amount += size #Add the amount to sell to the total
priceList.append(price) #Append key to list to latter dict update
for price in priceList:
dictionary.pop(price) #We update the dictionary
return amount, dictionary