我最近将我的域从本地 ISP 移动到 AWS ...,我正忙于配置 AWS SES 和 AWS 工作邮件,但我首先必须验证我转移的域,然后才能结束电子邮件 ....过去 3 天一直待验证。

今天我收到了来自 AWS 的 wmail 说 ->

We have been attempting to verify the DKIM setup of motlee-systems.com for the last 3 days. We have not been able to detect the required DNS records in your DNS settings. If you still wish to use DKIM when sending through Amazon SES or Amazon Pinpoint, please confirm that the DNS records are present and retry the set-up process via the Amazon SES or Amazon Pinpoint console or the API.

For DKIM troubleshooting information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/DKIM-problems.html .

Please note that this email only relates to the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region.

Thank you for using Amazon Web Services.

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