我使用 Scypi 的 Delaunay 三角剖分构建了一个应用程序。为了验证它,我想做一个 Hold-One-Out 测试,这意味着下面提到的代码片段被调用了很多次(~1e9)。因此,我想让它尽可能快。


from scipy.spatial import Delaunay as Delaunay
import numpy as np
import time

n_pts = 100      # around 1e9 in the real application
pts = np.random.random((n_pts, 2))

t = time.time()
for i in range(n_pts):
    delaunay = Delaunay(pts[np.arange(n_pts)!=i])
    simplex = delaunay.find_simplex(pts[i])

大部分时间都被find_simplex方法用完了,在我的机器上大约 200 毫秒到 300 毫秒。有什么办法可以加快速度吗?我已经查看了 Delaunay 构造函数中的qhull_options,但是我没有成功。



1 回答 1


It's hard to say what exactly goes under the hood of the find_simplex method, but my guess is that in the first call it constructs some search structure and since you use it just once the construction initialization time isn't amortized on many queries.

A simple solution for this is to run a linear search, without calling the find_simplex method. Since your code constructs a Delaunay triangulation each iteration, the runtime will be dominated by the triangulation construction and the linear search time is negligible.

Here is a vectorized numpy function that does that.

 def is_in_triangle(pt, p0, p1, p2):
    """ Check in which of the triangles the point pt lies.
        p0, p1, p2 are arrays of shape (n, 2) representing vertices of triangles,
        pt is of shape (1, 2).
        Assumes p0, p1, p2 are oriented counter clockwise (as in scipy's Delaunay)
    vp0 = pt - p0
    v10 = p1 - p0
    cross0 = vp0[:, 0] * v10[:, 1] - vp0[:, 1] * v10[:, 0]  # is pt to left/right of p0->p1

    vp1 = pt - p1
    v21 = p2 - p1
    cross1 = vp1[:, 0] * v21[:, 1] - vp1[:, 1] * v21[:, 0]  # is pt to left/right of p1->p2
    vp2 = pt - p2
    v02 = p0 - p2
    cross2 = vp2[:, 0] * v02[:, 1] - vp2[:, 1] * v02[:, 0]  # is pt to left/right of p2->p0

    return (cross0 < 0) & (cross1 < 0) & (cross2 < 0)  # pt should be to the left of all triangle edges

I modified your code to run with this function:

t = time.time()
for i in range(n_pts):
    delaunay = Delaunay(pts[np.arange(n_pts)!=i])

    p0 = delaunay.points[delaunay.simplices[:, 0], :]
    p1 = delaunay.points[delaunay.simplices[:, 1], :]
    p2 = delaunay.points[delaunay.simplices[:, 2], :]
    pt = pts[i].reshape((1, 2))
    pt_in_simps_mask = is_in_triangle(pt, p0, p1, p2)
    simp_ind_lst = np.where(pt_in_simps_mask)[0]
    if len(simp_ind_lst) == 0:
        simp_ind = -1
        simp_ind = simp_ind_lst[0]

print("new time: {}".format(time.time()-t))

On my machine, when running with 100 points this code run in approximately 0.036s compared to 0.13s of your original code (and 0.030s for the code without the query at all, just the Delaunay constructions).

于 2021-11-11T20:42:24.047 回答