Need assistant in OpenERP 7 Tax absorbing.
I need to know if it possible to do so in OpenERP 7 if yes, where should I add/deduct the absorbing of tax formula.
- Sales/Pricelist
- Accounting/Taxes
If it supposed to be here, what will be the proper calculation or formula. Tried all kinds of calculation.
My intention is to sell a product which will be absorbing Tax of 7% and the end of the total price still show the actual GST amount on the quotation/invoice without deducting the total price.
Product Qty UOM Taxes UP Disc(%) Subtotal Book 1 Unit 7% 10.00 0 10.00
Untaxed price = $10.00
Tax 7% = $0.70
Total = $10.00
Above is the exact thing I wish to appear on the printed Quotation/Invoice. I've tried avery possible configuration and calculation to make it appear that way.
If these not possible, will there be any other possibility in OpenERP that to allow Tax absorbing and the end of calculation (total) instead of the standard "Per line" and "global"
Thank you all