我正在尝试提取 .mdb 数据库的架构,以便可以在其他地方重新创建数据库。



10 回答 10


可以用 VBA 做一些事情。例如,这里是为具有本地表的数据库创建脚本的开始。

Dim db As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim ndx As DAO.Index
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFlds As String
Dim strCn As String

Dim fs, f

    Set db = CurrentDb

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\Docs\Schema.txt")
    For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
        If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "Msys" Then
            strSQL = "strSQL=""CREATE TABLE [" & tdf.Name & "] ("
            strFlds = ""
            For Each fld In tdf.Fields
                strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "] "
                Select Case fld.Type
                    Case dbText
                        'No look-up fields
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Text (" & fld.Size & ")"
                    Case dbLong
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "Long"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "Counter"
                        End If
                    Case dbBoolean
                        strFlds = strFlds & "YesNo"
                    Case dbByte
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Byte"
                    Case dbInteger
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Integer"
                    Case dbCurrency
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Currency"
                    Case dbSingle
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Single"
                    Case dbDouble
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Double"
                    Case dbDate
                        strFlds = strFlds & "DateTime"
                    Case dbBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Binary"
                    Case dbLongBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "OLE Object"
                    Case dbMemo
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbHyperlinkField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "Memo"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "Hyperlink"
                        End If
                    Case dbGUID
                        strFlds = strFlds & "GUID"
                End Select
            strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & " )""" & vbCrLf & "Currentdb.Execute strSQL"
            f.WriteLine vbCrLf & strSQL
            For Each ndx In tdf.Indexes
                If ndx.Unique Then
                    strSQL = "strSQL=""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "
                    strSQL = "strSQL=""CREATE INDEX "
                End If
                strSQL = strSQL & "[" & ndx.Name & "] ON [" & tdf.Name & "] ("
                strFlds = ""

                For Each fld In tdf.Fields
                    strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "]"
                strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & ") "
                strCn = ""
                If ndx.Primary Then
                    strCn = " PRIMARY"
                End If
                If ndx.Required Then
                    strCn = strCn & " DISALLOW NULL"
                End If
                If ndx.IgnoreNulls Then
                    strCn = strCn & " IGNORE NULL"
                End If
                If Trim(strCn) <> vbNullString Then
                    strSQL = strSQL & " WITH" & strCn & " "
                End If
                f.WriteLine vbCrLf & strSQL & """" & vbCrLf & "Currentdb.Execute strSQL"
        End If
于 2009-03-30T23:54:41.397 回答


我认为这段代码可能对寻找解决方案的其他人有用。它旨在通过 cscript 从命令行运行,因此无需将代码导入您的 Access 项目。类似于OliverHow do you use version control with Access development中的代码(并受其启发)。

' Usage:
'  CScript //Nologo ddl.vbs <input mdb file> > <output>
' Outputs DDL statements for tables, indexes, and relations from Access file 
' (.mdb, .accdb) <input file> to stdout.  
' Requires Microsoft Access.
' NOTE: Adapted from code from "polite person" + Kevin Chambers - see:
' http://www.mombu.com/microsoft/comp-databases-ms-access/t-exporting-jet-table-metadata-as-text-119667.html
Option Explicit
Dim stdout, fso
Dim strFile
Dim appAccess, db, tbl, idx, rel

Set stdout = WScript.StdOut
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Parse args
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then
    MsgBox "Usage: cscript //Nologo ddl.vbs access-file", vbExclamation, "Error"
End if
strFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0))

' Open mdb file
Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strFile
Set db = appAccess.DBEngine(0)(0)

' Iterate over tables
  ' create table statements
For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
  If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then
    stdout.WriteLine getTableDDL(tbl)

    ' Iterate over indexes
      ' create index statements
    For Each idx In tbl.Indexes
      stdout.WriteLine getIndexDDL(tbl, idx)

  End If

' Iterate over relations
  ' alter table add constraint statements
For Each rel In db.Relations
  Set tbl = db.TableDefs(rel.Table)
  If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then
    stdout.WriteLine getRelationDDL(rel)
  End If

Function getTableDDL(tdef)
Const dbBoolean = 1
Const dbByte = 2
Const dbCurrency = 5
Const dbDate = 8
Const dbDouble = 7
Const dbInteger = 3
Const dbLong = 4
Const dbDecimal = 20
Const dbFloat = 17
Const dbMemo = 12
Const dbSingle = 6
Const dbText = 10
Const dbGUID = 15
Const dbAutoIncrField = 16

Dim fld
Dim sql
Dim ln, a

    sql = "CREATE TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(tdef.name) & " ("
    ln = vbCrLf

    For Each fld In tdef.fields
       sql = sql & ln & " " & QuoteObjectName(fld.name) & " "
       Select Case fld.Type
       Case dbBoolean   'Boolean
          a = "BIT"
       Case dbByte   'Byte
          a = "BYTE"
       Case dbCurrency  'Currency
          a = "MONEY"
       Case dbDate 'Date / Time
          a = "DATETIME"
       Case dbDouble    'Double
          a = "DOUBLE"
       Case dbInteger   'Integer
          a = "INTEGER"
       Case dbLong  'Long
          'test if counter, doesn't detect random property if set
          If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) Then
             a = "COUNTER"
             a = "LONG"
          End If
       Case dbDecimal    'Decimal
          a = "DECIMAL"
       Case dbFloat      'Float
          a = "FLOAT"
       Case dbMemo 'Memo
          a = "MEMO"
       Case dbSingle    'Single
          a = "SINGLE"
       Case dbText 'Text
          a = "VARCHAR(" & fld.Size & ")"
       Case dbGUID 'Text
          a = "GUID"
       Case Else
          '>>> raise error
          MsgBox "Field " & tdef.name & "." & fld.name & _
                " of type " & fld.Type & " has been ignored!!!"
       End Select

       sql = sql & a

       If fld.Required Then _
          sql = sql & " NOT NULL "
       If Len(fld.DefaultValue) > 0 Then _
          sql = sql & " DEFAULT " & fld.DefaultValue

       ln = ", " & vbCrLf

    sql = sql & vbCrLf & ");"
    getTableDDL = sql

End Function

Function getIndexDDL(tdef, idx)
Dim sql, ln, myfld

    If Left(idx.name, 1) = "{" Then
       'ignore, GUID-type indexes - bugger them
    ElseIf idx.Foreign Then
       'this index was created by a relation.  recreating the
       'relation will create this for us, so no need to do it here
       ln = ""
       sql = "CREATE "
       If idx.Unique Then
           sql = sql & "UNIQUE "
       End If
       sql = sql & "INDEX " & QuoteObjectName(idx.name) & " ON " & _
             QuoteObjectName(tdef.name) & "( "
       For Each myfld In idx.fields
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.name)
          ln = ", "
       sql = sql & " )"
       If idx.Primary Then
          sql = sql & " WITH PRIMARY"
       ElseIf idx.IgnoreNulls Then
          sql = sql & " WITH IGNORE NULL"
       ElseIf idx.Required Then
          sql = sql & " WITH DISALLOW NULL"
       End If
       sql = sql & ";"
    End If
    getIndexDDL = sql

End Function

' Returns the SQL DDL to add a relation between two tables.
' Oddly, DAO will not accept the ON DELETE or ON UPDATE
' clauses, so the resulting sql must be executed through ADO
Function getRelationDDL(myrel)
Const dbRelationUpdateCascade = 256
Const dbRelationDeleteCascade = 4096
Dim mytdef
Dim myfld
Dim sql, ln

    With myrel
       sql = "ALTER TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(.ForeignTable) & _
             " ADD CONSTRAINT " & QuoteObjectName(.name) & " FOREIGN KEY ( "
       ln = ""
       For Each myfld In .fields 'ie fields of the relation
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.ForeignName)
          ln = ","
       sql = sql & " ) " & "REFERENCES " & _
             QuoteObjectName(.table) & "( "
       ln = ""
       For Each myfld In .fields
          sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.name)
          ln = ","
       sql = sql & " )"
       If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationUpdateCascade) Then _
             sql = sql & " ON UPDATE CASCADE"
       If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationDeleteCascade) Then _
             sql = sql & " ON DELETE CASCADE"
       sql = sql & ";"
    End With
    getRelationDDL = sql
End Function

Function isSystemTable(tbl)
Dim nAttrib
Const dbSystemObject = -2147483646
    isSystemTable = False
    nAttrib = tbl.Attributes
    isSystemTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbSystemObject) <> 0))
End Function

Function isHiddenTable(tbl)
Dim nAttrib
Const dbHiddenObject = 1
    isHiddenTable = False
    nAttrib = tbl.Attributes
    isHiddenTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbHiddenObject) <> 0))
End Function

Function QuoteObjectName(str)
    QuoteObjectName = "[" & str & "]"
End Function

如果您也想导出查询定义,这个问题应该会有所帮助。这有点不同,因为您通常不会使用简单的 DDLCREATE VIEW foo AS ...语法创建 querydef,实际上我不确定您是否可以(?)

但这是我为将查询备份到单独的 .sql 文件而编写的一小段脚本(它是用于备份所有前端数据库代码的较大脚本的一部分,请参阅 Oliver对此问题的回答)。

Dim oApplication
Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sMyAccessFilePath
oApplication.Visible = False

For Each myObj In oApplication.DBEngine(0)(0).QueryDefs
    writeToFile sExportpath & "\queries\" & myObj.Name & ".sql", myObj.SQL 

Function writeToFile(path, text)
Dim fso, st
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set st = fso.CreateTextFile(path, True)
  st.Write text
End Function
于 2012-03-28T15:23:31.897 回答

以下 C# 概述了如何从 .mdb 文件中获取架构。


String f = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + "database.mdb";
OleDbConnection databaseConnection = new OleDbConnection(f);


DataTable dataTable = databaseConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
int numTables = dataTable.Rows.Count;
for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < numTables; ++tableIndex)
    String tableName = dataTable.Rows[tableIndex]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();


    DataTable schemaTable = databaseConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, new object[] { null, null, tableName, null });
    foreach (DataRow row in schemaTable.Rows)
        String fieldName = row["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); //3
        String fieldType = row["DATA_TYPE"].ToString(); // 11
        String fieldDescription = row["DESCRIPTION"].ToString(); //27


于 2009-06-11T11:44:44.153 回答

如果您乐于使用纯 Access SQL 以外的其他东西,则可以保留 ADOX 对象的集合并使用这些对象重新创建表结构。

示例(在 Python 中,当前不重新创建关系和索引,因为我正在处理的项目不需要它):

import os
import sys
import datetime
import comtypes.client as client

class Db:
    def __init__(self, original_con_string = None, file_path = None,
                 new_con_string = None, localise_links = False):
        self.original_con_string = original_con_string
        self.file_path = file_path
        self.new_con_string = new_con_string
        self.localise_links = localise_links

    def output_table_structures(self, verbosity = 0):
        if os.path.exists(self.file_path):
            if not os.path.isdir(self.file_path):
                raise Exception("file_path must be a directory!")
        cat = client.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
        cat.ActiveConnection = self.original_con_string
        linked_tables = ()
        for table in cat.Tables:
            if table.Type == u"TABLE":
                f = open(self.file_path + os.path.sep +
                         "Tablestruct_" + table.Name + ".txt", "w")
                conn = client.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
                conn.ConnectionString = self.original_con_string
                rs = client.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
                rs.Open("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [%s];" % table.Name, conn)
                for field in rs.Fields:
                    col = table.Columns[field.Name]
                    col_details = (col.Name, col.Type, col.DefinedSize,
                    property_dict = {}
                    property_dict["Autoincrement"] = (
                    col_details += property_dict,
                    f.write(repr(col_details) + "\n")
            if table.Type == u"LINK":
                table_details = table.Name,
                table_details += table.Properties(
                    "Jet OLEDB:Link DataSource").Value,
                table_details += table.Properties(
                    "Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String").Value,
                table_details += table.Properties(
                    "Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name").Value,
                linked_tables += table_details,
        if linked_tables != ():
            f = open(self.file_path + os.path.sep +
                     "linked_list.txt", "w")
            for t in linked_tables:
                f.write(repr(t) + "\n")


于 2009-03-31T13:07:47.827 回答

您可以使用 ACE/Jet OLE DB Provider 和 ADO Connection 对象的 OpenSchema 方法来获取作为 Recordset 的架构信息(这可以说比 Collection 更好,因为它可以被过滤、排序等)。


adSchemaPrimaryKeys 很简单。adSchemaIndexes 是您可以找到 UNIQUE 约束的地方,不确定这些是否可以与唯一索引区分开来,以及插入 adSchemaForeignKeys 行集中的 FOREIGN KEY 的名称,例如(伪代码):

rsFK.Filter = "FK_NAME = '" & !INDEX_NAME & "'") 

-- 注意 Jet 3.51 允许基于无名 PK 的 FK(!!)

验证规则和 CHECK 约束的名称可以在 adSchemaTableConstraints 行集中找到,使用 OpenSchema 调用中的表名,然后使用对 adSchemaCheckConstraints 行集的调用中的名称,过滤 CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'CHECK'(陷阱是一个名为'ValidationRule' + Chr$(0),所以最好从名称中转义空字符)。请记住,ACE/Jet 验证规则可以是行级或表级(CHECK 约束始终是表级),因此您可能需要在过滤器中使用表名:for adSchemaTableConstraints is [].[].ValidationRule将是 adSchemaCheckConstraints 中的 [].ValidationRule。另一个问题(疑似错误)是字段的宽度为 255 个字符,因此任何超过 255 个字符的验证规则/检查约束定义都将具有 NULL 值。

adSchemaViews,用于基于非参数化 SELECT SQL DML 的 Access Query 对象,非常简单;您可以使用 adSchemaColumns 中的 VIEW 名称来获取列详细信息。

PROCEDURES 在 adSchemaProcedures 中,是所有其他类型的 Access Query 对象,包括参数化的 SELECT DML;对于后者,我更喜欢用 PROCEDURE_DEFINITION 中的 CREATE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE_NAME 替换 PARAMETERS 语法。不要打扰查看 adSchemaProcedureParameters,您不会找到任何东西:可以通过使用 ADOX 目录对象来枚举参数以返回 ADO 命令,例如(伪代码):

Set Command = Catalog.Procedures(PROCEDURE_NAME).Command

然后枚举 .Name 的 Comm.Parameters 集合,DATA_TYPE 的 .Type,IS_NULLABLE 的(.Attributes 和 adParamNullable),COLUMN_HASDEFAULT 和 COLUMN_DEFAULT 的 .Value,.Size,.Precision,.NumericScale。

对于 ACE/Jet 特定的属性,例如 Unicode 压缩,您需要使用另一种对象。例如,可以使用 ADO 目录对象找到 Access-speak 中的长整数自动编号,例如(伪代码):

bIsAutoincrement = Catalog.Tables(TABLE_NAME).Columns(COLUMN_NAME).Properties("Autoincrement").Value

祝你好运 :)

于 2009-03-31T09:11:14.743 回答

查看 docmd。传输数据库命令。对于需要复制数据结构的构建集成,这可能是您的最佳选择

于 2009-03-30T21:38:18.497 回答

Compare'Em http://home.gci.net/~mike-noel/CompareEM-LITE/CompareEM.htm 将愉快地生成需要重新创建 MDB 的 VBA 代码。或者创建两个 MDB 之间差异的代码,以便您可以对现有的 BE MDB 进行版本升级。这有点古怪,但有效。注意它不支持新的 ACE (Access2007) ACCDB 等格式。


(OneDayWhen 的编辑是正确的三分之一和错误的三分之二。)

于 2009-06-23T07:59:05.037 回答

在 Access 中很难执行 DDL 脚本/查询。它可以完成,但你最好只创建数据库的副本 - 删除所有数据并压缩它。然后使用它的副本在其他地方重新创建数据库。

于 2009-03-30T20:45:51.507 回答


我已经修改了脚本以生成 SQL Server 的数据定义语言。我认为它可能对某人有用,所以我分享它。我遇到的一个问题是 VBS 脚本会提取表中的所有字段作为索引。我还不确定如何解决这个问题,所以我只提取第一个字段。这适用于大多数主键。最后,并不是所有的数据类型都被证明了,但我想我得到了大部分。

Option Compare Database

Function exportTableDefs()

Dim db As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim ndx As DAO.Index
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFlds As String

Dim fs, f

    Set db = CurrentDb

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\temp\Schema.txt")

    For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
        If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "Msys" And Left(tdf.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
            strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [" & tdf.Name & "] (" & vbCrLf

            strFlds = ""

            For Each fld In tdf.Fields

                strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "] "

                Select Case fld.Type

                    Case dbText
                        'No look-up fields
                        strFlds = strFlds & "varchar (" & fld.SIZE & ")"

                    Case dbLong
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "bigint"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "int IDENTITY(1,1)"
                        End If

                    Case dbBoolean
                        strFlds = strFlds & "bit"

                    Case dbByte
                        strFlds = strFlds & "tinyint"

                    Case dbInteger
                        strFlds = strFlds & "int"

                    Case dbCurrency
                        strFlds = strFlds & "decimal(10,2)"

                    Case dbSingle
                        strFlds = strFlds & "decimal(10,2)"

                    Case dbDouble
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Float"

                    Case dbDate
                        strFlds = strFlds & "DateTime"

                    Case dbBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "binary"

                    Case dbLongBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "varbinary(max)"

                    Case dbMemo
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbHyperlinkField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "varbinary(max)"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "?"
                        End If

                    Case dbGUID
                        strFlds = strFlds & "?"
                    Case Else
                        strFlds = strFlds & "?"

                End Select
                strFlds = strFlds & vbCrLf


            ''  get rid of the first comma
            strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & " )" & vbCrLf

            f.WriteLine strSQL

            strSQL = ""

            For Each ndx In tdf.Indexes

                If Left(ndx.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
                    If ndx.Primary Then
                        strSQL = "ALTER TABLE " & tdf.Name & " ADD  CONSTRAINT " & tdf.Name & "_primary" & " PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( " & vbCrLf
                        If ndx.Unique Then
                            strSQL = "CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "
                            strSQL = "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "
                        End If
                        strSQL = strSQL & "[" & tdf.Name & "_" & ndx.Name & "] ON [" & tdf.Name & "] ("
                    End If

                    strFlds = ""

                    '''  Assume that the index is only for the first field.  This will work for most primary keys
                    '''  Not sure how to get just the fields in the index
                    For Each fld In tdf.Fields
                        strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "] ASC "
                        Exit For

                    strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & ") "
                End If
           f.WriteLine strSQL & vbCrLf
        End If


End Function
于 2015-11-16T18:08:24.347 回答

上面 Roland 的回答(由 Tobias 编辑)对我有用,但有一些变化。首先我解决了在主键中查找所有字段的问题;那么索引sql代码的写入文件是在错误的地方:选项比较数据库

Function exportTableDefs()

Dim db As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim ndx As DAO.Index
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFlds As String

Dim fs, f

    Set db = CurrentDb

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\temp\Schema.txt")

    For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
        If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "Msys" And Left(tdf.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
            strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [" & tdf.Name & "] (" & vbCrLf

            strFlds = ""

            For Each fld In tdf.Fields

                strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "] "

                Select Case fld.Type

                    Case dbText
                        'No look-up fields
                        strFlds = strFlds & "varchar (" & fld.SIZE & ")"

                    Case dbLong
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "bigint"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "int IDENTITY(1,1)"
                        End If

                    Case dbBoolean
                        strFlds = strFlds & "bit"

                    Case dbByte
                        strFlds = strFlds & "tinyint"

                    Case dbInteger
                        strFlds = strFlds & "int"

                    Case dbCurrency
                        strFlds = strFlds & "decimal(10,2)"

                    Case dbSingle
                        strFlds = strFlds & "decimal(10,2)"

                    Case dbDouble
                        strFlds = strFlds & "Float"

                    Case dbDate
                        strFlds = strFlds & "DateTime"

                    Case dbBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "binary"

                    Case dbLongBinary
                        strFlds = strFlds & "varbinary(max)"

                    Case dbMemo
                        If (fld.Attributes And dbHyperlinkField) = 0& Then
                            strFlds = strFlds & "varbinary(max)"
                            strFlds = strFlds & "?"
                        End If

                    Case dbGUID
                        strFlds = strFlds & "?"
                    Case Else
                        strFlds = strFlds & "?"

                End Select
                strFlds = strFlds & vbCrLf


            ''  get rid of the first comma
            strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & " )" & vbCrLf

            f.WriteLine strSQL

            strSQL = ""

            For Each ndx In tdf.Indexes

                If Left(ndx.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
                    If ndx.Primary Then
                        strSQL = "ALTER TABLE " & tdf.Name & " ADD  CONSTRAINT " & tdf.Name & "_primary" & " PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( " & vbCrLf
                        If ndx.Unique Then
                            strSQL = "CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "
                            strSQL = "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX "
                        End If
                        strSQL = strSQL & "[" & tdf.Name & "_" & ndx.Name & "] ON [" & tdf.Name & "] ("
                    End If

                    strFlds = ""

                    '''  use the ndx collection rather than tdf
                    For Each fld In ndx.Fields
                        strFlds = strFlds & ",[" & fld.Name & "] ASC "
                        Exit For

                    strSQL = strSQL & Mid(strFlds, 2) & ") "
                End If
                ''' write to file for each iteration of the loop to get multiple indexes
                f.WriteLine strSQL & vbCrLf
        End If


End Function
于 2020-07-20T07:18:26.770 回答