我正在编写一个 django 模板,我想区分上下文变量的存在与它是无、空等。我已经完成了我的作业,这似乎非常困难。具体来说,这就是我想要做的

view 1:
if some_condition = True:
    context['letters'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] # The list might also be empty or None in some cases
    context['numbers'] = [1, 2, 3] #This list might be empty or None in some cases

{% if letters %}
    {% for x in letter %}
{% else %}
    {%for x in numbers%}

使用{% if %}是冒险的,因为如果letters不存在或列表为空则失败。letters即使它是空的,我也想使用(但在上下文中定义)

我对内置过滤器有同样的问题,default如何default_if_none 区分上下文变量的存在与其他事物,例如 None 或 Empty


2 回答 2


我最近遇到了同样的难题,在研究了{% if %}标签的结构方式之后,我想到了:

from django.template.base import VariableDoesNotExist
from django.template.defaulttags import IfNode
from django.template.smartif import IfParser, Literal

# Used as a value for ifdef and ifndef tags
undefined = object()

class IfDefLiteral(Literal):
    def eval(self, context):
        if not self.value in context:
            # Can't raise an exception here because Operator catches it
            return undefined

class IfDefParser(IfParser):
    def create_var(self, value):
        return IfDefLiteral(value)

class IfDefNode(IfNode):
    def __init__(self, defined=True, *args, **kwargs):
        self.defined = defined
        super(IfDefNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__

    def render(self, context):
        for condition, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists:

            match = undefined
            if condition is not None:           # if / elif clause
                    match = condition.eval(context)
                except VariableDoesNotExist:

            if condition is None or (  # else clause, always render
                (self.defined and match is not undefined) or
                (match is undefined and not self.defined)):
                return nodelist.render(context)

        return ''

def _gen_ifdef(parser, token, block_tokens, defined):
    # {% if ... %}
    bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
    condition = IfDefParser(bits).parse()
    nodelist = parser.parse(block_tokens)
    conditions_nodelists = [(condition, nodelist)]
    token = parser.next_token()

    # {% elif ... %} (repeatable)
    while token.contents.startswith(block_tokens[0]):
        bits = token.split_contents()[1:]
        condition = IfDefParser(bits).parse()
        nodelist = parser.parse(block_tokens)
        conditions_nodelists.append((condition, nodelist))
        token = parser.next_token()

    # {% else %} (optional)
    if token.contents == 'else':
        nodelist = parser.parse(block_tokens[-1:])
        conditions_nodelists.append((None, nodelist))
        token = parser.next_token()

    # {% endif %}
    assert token.contents == block_tokens[-1]

    return IfDefNode(defined, conditions_nodelists)

def ifdef(parser, token):
    """Check if variable is defined in the context

    Unlike the {% if %} tag, this renders the block if the variable(s)
    exist within the context, not only if they are truthy. That is, variables
    with None, 0 or [] values would also render the block.
    return _gen_ifdef(parser, token, ('elifdef', 'else', 'endifdef'), True)

def ifndef(parser, token):
    """Check if variable is *not* defined in the context

    This is the opposite of {% ifdef %}.
    return _gen_ifdef(parser, token, ('elifndef', 'else', 'endifndef'), False)

{% if %}然后你会像模板中的标签一样使用它:

{% ifdef letters or numbers %}
    {# do something with letters or numbers #}
{% else %}
    {# variables are not defined here #}
{% endifdef %}


于 2014-02-21T00:37:33.417 回答


context['letters'] = False    #([]/None/False)
if some_condition = True:

现在 if some_condition = False, than "for" 循环不会在模板中运行,所以你不再需要 "if" 了。

于 2013-06-20T18:27:56.030 回答