在我使用的一个 blazor 项目中EditformFluentvalidation以及Toolbelt.Blazor.HotKeys用于提交表单的快捷方式 (ctrl+s) 当我按下 ctrl+s 时,会调用Submit()方法,但如果表单有错误,它没有显示错误。实际上只调用了方法,没有调用提交表单。你对这个问题有什么建议?

<EditForm Model="@model" OnValidSubmit="Submit">
            <FluentValidationValidator />
          <button type="submit" >save</button>

 [Parameter] public CategoryInfo model { get; set; } = new();
 private async Task Submit()
        var validator = new CategoryValidator();
        var result = validator.Validate(model);
        if (result.IsValid)

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@page "/"
@implements IDisposable
@using Toolbelt.Blazor.HotKeys
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;


<EditForm EditContext="this._editContext" OnValidSubmit="ValidSubmitForm" OnInvalidSubmit="InvalidSubmitForm">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <div class="p-2">
        <span>Value (100-200):</span>
        <InputNumber @bind-Value="_model.Value" />
        <ValidationMessage For="() => _model.Value"/>
    <div class="m-2 p-2">
        <button class="btn btn-success" type="submit">Submit</button>
<div class="m-2 p-2">
<div class="m-2 p-2">
    <button class="btn btn-danger" type="button" @onclick="SubmitFormExternally">Submit Form Externally</button>

@code {
    private string message;

    private Model _model = new Model();

    [Inject] private HotKeys hotKeys { get; set; }

    private HotKeysContext _hotKeysContext;

    EditContext _editContext;

    // Explicitly setup the Edit context so we have a reference to it
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _editContext = new EditContext(_model);
        _hotKeysContext = this.hotKeys.CreateContext()
         .Add(ModKeys.Ctrl, Keys.S, SubmitFormCtlS, "Submit form");


    // Invalid handler
    private Task ValidSubmitForm()
        message = $"Valid Form Submitted at :{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}";
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    // Valid Handler
    private Task InvalidSubmitForm()
        message = $" Invalid Form Submitted at :{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}";
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    // Method to call from external button
    // Works and component updates as it's a Blazor Component event
    // emulates the private HandleSubmitAsync method in EditForm
    private async Task SubmitFormExternally()
        if (_editContext.Validate())
            await this.ValidSubmitForm();
            await this.InvalidSubmitForm();

    // Method to call from shortcut key
    // The shortcut key mechanism does't wrap the call in a Blazor Component event
    // So we wrap the code within one
    // The code emulates the private HandleSubmitAsync method in EditForm
    private async Task SubmitFormCtlS()
        var task = Task.CompletedTask;
        if (_editContext.Validate())
            task = this.ValidSubmitForm();
            task = this.InvalidSubmitForm();
        if (!task.IsCompleted || task.IsCanceled)
            await task;

    public void Dispose()

    // Quick Model Class
    public class Model
        [Range(100, 200, ErrorMessage = "Must be between 100 and 200")]
        public int Value { get; set; } = 0;
于 2021-11-07T17:36:06.257 回答