我正在尝试在 CPU 上投射八叉树(我知道 GPU 更好,但我现在无法让它工作,我相信我的八叉树纹理创建不正确)。
我的问题是,将其绘制到屏幕上的最佳方式是什么?目前我将颜色存储在一个数组中并使用 glDrawPixels 绘制它们,但这不会产生正确的结果,渲染中的间隙以及投影错误(我使用的是 glRasterPos3fv)。
void Draw(Vector cameraPosition, Vector cameraLookAt)
// Calculate the right Vector
Vector rightVector = Cross(cameraLookAt, Vector(0, 1, 0));
// Set up the screen plane starting X & Y positions
float screenPlaneX, screenPlaneY;
screenPlaneX = cameraPosition.x() - ( ( WINDOWWIDTH / 2) * rightVector.x());
screenPlaneY = cameraPosition.y() + ( (float)WINDOWHEIGHT / 2);
float deltaX, deltaY;
deltaX = 1;
deltaY = 1;
int currentX, currentY, index = 0;
Vector origin, direction;
origin = cameraPosition;
vector<Vector4<int>> colours(WINDOWWIDTH * WINDOWHEIGHT);
currentY = screenPlaneY;
Vector4<int> colour;
for (int y = 0; y < WINDOWHEIGHT; y++)
// Set the current pixel along x to be the left most pixel
// on the image plane
currentX = screenPlaneX;
for (int x = 0; x < WINDOWWIDTH; x++)
// default colour is black
colour = Vector4<int>(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Cast the ray into the current pixel. Set the length of the ray to be 200
direction = Vector(currentX, currentY, cameraPosition.z() + ( cameraLookAt.z() * 200 ) ) - origin;
// Cast the ray against the octree and store the resultant colour in the array
colours[index] = RayCast(origin, direction, rootNode, colour);
// Move to next pixel in the plane
currentX += deltaX;
// increase colour arry index postion
// Move to next row in the image plane
currentY -= deltaY;
// Set the colours for the array
// Load array to 0 0 0 to set the raster position to (0, 0, 0)
GLfloat *v = new GLfloat[3];
v[0] = 0.0f;
v[1] = 0.0f;
v[2] = 0.0f;
// Set the raster position and pass the array of colours to drawPixels
void SetFinalImage(vector<Vector4<int>> colours)
// The array is a 2D array, with the first dimension
// set to the size of the window (WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT)
// Second dimension stores the rgba values for each pizel
for (int i = 0; i < colours.size(); i++)
finalImage[i][0] = (float)colours[i].r;
finalImage[i][1] = (float)colours[i].g;
finalImage[i][2] = (float)colours[i].b;
finalImage[i][3] = (float)colours[i].a;