我使用 workmanager 插件执行每 15 分钟触发通知的后台任务。
void main() async{
// needs to be initialized before using workmanager package
await NotificationApi.init();
// initialize Workmanager with the function which you want to invoke after any periodic time
// Periodic task registration
// use the same task name used in callbackDispatcher function for identifying the task
// Each task must have a unique name if you want to add multiple tasks;
// When no frequency is provided the default 15 minutes is set.
// Minimum frequency is 15 min.
// Android will automatically change your frequency to 15 min if you have configured a lower frequency than 15 minutes.
frequency: Duration(minutes: 15), // change duration according to your needs
这是 workmanager 每 15 分钟使用的顶级函数 callbackdispatcher()
void callbackDispatcher() {
Workmanager().executeTask((task, inputdata) async {
switch (task) {
case "myTask":
final notificationPlugin = FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin();
var platformChannelSpecifics = new NotificationDetails(
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
'your channel id',
'your channel name',
'your channel description',
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.high,
additionalFlags: Int32List.fromList(<int>[4]),
iOS: IOSNotificationDetails()
await notificationPlugin.show(0, "Hello", "This is nottification", platformChannelSpecifics);
/* setState(() {
cStatus = false;
case Workmanager.iOSBackgroundTask:
print("iOS background fetch delegate ran");
//Return true when the task executed successfully or not
return Future.value(true);
此处每 15 分钟成功调用一次通知。但是我不能调用 setState 函数来重建小部件。有没有办法在顶级函数中调用 setstate 。因为我需要从后台任务重建一个小部件。