I am trying to use selenium's new feature

WebDriver newWindow = driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.WINDOW);

but some how not able to find newWindow under Target location with new selenium 4.0.0

MyAutomation Case --> We need to access video chat features and automate them. Eg. To test whether Camera, microphone chat window in video chat are working fine we need 2 users to join video call at the same time to verify internal features

Automation Step:

  1. Login with user and join video chat link1
  2. Login with another user(in same session) and join same video link
  3. Once two users are there in call we can verify call, video ,chat, call cancel, report call functionality


  1. Can't use 2 driver case here since on remote session this will open 2 browserstack session which is not idle for this case.
  2. Tried with Robot class and Actions class by emulating Cntrl+Shift+n button press but this won't work since this will press keys of my local machine(or server while executing via jenkins)

Below is my POM.xml

                    <!-- <systemPropertyVariables>
                    </systemPropertyVariables> -->
                         <!--<suiteXmlFile>/Workspace-SG/SDET-DemoFE/src/test/resources/suite.xml</suiteXmlFile> -->
            <name>MIT License</name>


            <!-- <scope>test</scope> -->
        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/info.cukes/gherkin -->

            <!-- <scope>test</scope> -->

        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-testng -->
        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.aventstack/klov-reporter -->
        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.bonigarcia/webdrivermanager -->





                 <!-- Perfecto Repository -->
                    <name>Perfecto mobile</name>





opening new Window

Can someone let me know what is wrong in the code. My project is error free and running fine after upgrading to new Selenium 4.0.0 . Only new feature is not working..


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