我正在尝试通过 QuickBooks Web 连接器将我的 OpenCart 库存与 QuickBooks POS 模块同步。该文档说仅将 Web 连接器版本 用于 QB POS。我在运行 QB POS 19.0 的计算机上安装了 Web 连接器。当我尝试添加应用程序时,我立即收到 QBWC1048 错误。这是带有某些修订的完整日志输出:
20211010.14:08:00 UTC : QWCReader.ParseQWC() : Contents of QWC file: -
<AppName>OpenCart + QBPOS</AppName>
<AppDescription>OpenCart + QBPOS</AppDescription>
20211010.14:08:00 UTC : QBWebConnector.WebServiceManager.ReadQWC(QWCReader QWC) : Parsing application configuration xml file to load its content to variables
20211010.14:08:00 UTC : : QBWC1048: QuickBooks Web Connector could not verify the web application server certificate.
Certificate URL: https://fitsfashions.comStackTrace:
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at QBWebConnector.QWCReader.CheckCertURL()
Message (description of the exception):
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
Source (name of application or object that caused the exception):
TargetSite (method that threw the exception):
System.Net.WebResponse GetResponse()
20211010.14:08:01 UTC : QBWebConnector.WebServiceManager.ReadQWC(QWCReader QWC) : QBWC1048: QuickBooks Web Connector could not verify the web application server certificate.
QBWC1051: The new application was not added
如您所见,我尝试添加 CertURL 选项,但没有成功。从https://test.developer.intuit.com/QBWC/TroubleshootQBWC/index.aspx运行疑难解答 .qwc 文件时,我也遇到了同样的错误。我浏览了整个互联网并提供了帮助票,但不知何故,除了 CertURL 之外,似乎没有人有一个可行的解决方案。该网站使用有效的 cPanel v3 证书。请指教。