我有一个需要输入的表单,但是 jQuery 说该字段无效时有效。这很奇怪,因为从 HTML 来看,它看起来很有价值。
这是 Chrome 控制台中三个命令的输出,文本框完全为空:
// First I ensure that the selector is correct. But I can see that it has value,
// when it is actually empty.
$('#form_0 input[name=Name]')[0].outerHTML
"<input data-val="true" data-val-length="The field Customer name must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 20." data-val-length-max="20" data-val-length-min="3" data-val-required="The Customer name field is required." id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value=" Customer 0 " class="valid">"
// jQuery confirms that the field is empty
$('#form_0 input[name=Name]').val()
// but jQuery say that the control is valid :?
$('#form_0 input[name=Name]').valid()
表单和输入是使用 jQuery 动态创建的。