我正在尝试为ggplot2创建位置调整,以明确控制点沿 (x) 轴分布的方式(而不仅仅是添加随机抖动)。我成功地使用了这些示例position_jitterposition_jitterdodge创建了适合我的目的的简单变体:

PositionSpread <- ggproto("PositionSpread", Position,
  required_aes = c("x", "y"),
  setup_params = function(self, data) {
      sep = self$sep %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * .05),
      max_width = self$max_width %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * 0.4)
  compute_layer = function(self, data, params, layout) {

    f <- function(sep, i, n) {
      m <- ceiling(max(n) / 2)
        as.logical(n %% 2), 
        sep * c(0, rep(1:m, each = 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m))[i],
        sep * (rep(1:m, each = 2)[i] - 1 / 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m)
    trans_x <- if(params$max_width > 0) function(df) {
      df |>
        group_by(x, y) |>
          i = 1:n(),
          n = n(),
          sep = pmin(params$sep, 2 * params$max_width / n),
          adj = f(sep, i, n)
        ) |>
    x_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$x_aes, names(data))
    y_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$y_aes, names(data))
    x <- if (length(x_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[x_aes[1]]]
    y <- if (length(y_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[y_aes[1]]]
    dummy_data <- vctrs::new_data_frame(list(x = x, y = y), nrow(data))
    x_adj <- trans_x(dummy_data)
    # Apply jitter
    transform_position(data, function(x) x + x_adj)

position_spread <- function(max_width = NULL, sep = NULL) {
  ggproto(NULL, PositionSpread,
    max_width = max_width,
    sep = sep

position_spreaddodge <- function(spread.width = NULL, spread.sep = NULL,
  dodge.width = 0.75) {

  ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, PositionSpreaddodge,
    spread.width = spread.width,
    spread.sep = spread.sep,
    dodge.width = dodge.width

PositionSpreaddodge <- ggproto("PositionSpreaddodge", Position,
  spread.width = NULL,
  spread.sep = NULL,
  dodge.width = NULL,
  required_aes = c("x", "y"),
  setup_params = function(self, data) {
    flipped_aes <- has_flipped_aes(data)
    data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
    spread.width <- self$spread.width %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * 0.4)
    # Adjust the x transformation based on the number of 'dodge' variables
    dodgecols <- intersect(c("fill", "colour", "linetype", "shape", "size", "alpha"), colnames(data))
    if (length(dodgecols) == 0) {
      abort("`position_jitterdodge()` requires at least one aesthetic to dodge by")
    ndodge    <- lapply(data[dodgecols], levels)  # returns NULL for numeric, i.e. non-dodge layers
    ndodge    <- length(unique(unlist(ndodge)))
      dodge.width = self$dodge.width,
      spread.sep = self$spread.sep %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * .05),
      spread.width = spread.width / (ndodge + 2),
      flipped_aes = flipped_aes
  compute_panel = function(data, params, scales) {
    data <- flip_data(data, params$flipped_aes)
    data <- ggplot2:::collide(data, params$dodge.width, "position_jitterdodge", ggplot2:::pos_dodge,
      check.width = FALSE)
    f <- function(sep, i, n) {
      m <- ceiling(max(n) / 2)
        as.logical(n %% 2), 
        sep * c(0, rep(1:m, each = 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m))[i],
        sep * (rep(1:m, each = 2)[i] - 1 / 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m)
    trans_x <- if(params$spread.width > 0) function(df) {
      df |>
        group_by(x, y) |>
          i = 1:n(),
          n = n(),
          sep = pmin(params$spread.sep, 2 * params$spread.width / n),
          adj = f(sep, i, n)
        ) |>
    x_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$x_aes, names(data))
    y_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$y_aes, names(data))
    x <- if (length(x_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[x_aes[1]]]
    y <- if (length(y_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[y_aes[1]]]
    dummy_data <- vctrs::new_data_frame(list(x = x, y = y), nrow(data))
    x_adj <- trans_x(dummy_data) |> unclass()

    # Apply Spread
    data <- transform_position(data, function(x) x + x_adj)
    flip_data(data, params$flipped_aes)

这些功能似乎都可以正常工作。现在,我正在尝试将它们添加到内部包中,以便在多个项目中轻松访问它们,但我遇到了文档问题。我已经Depends: ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0)在DESCRIPTION文件中添加了。


#' Simultaneously dodge and spread points
#' This is primarily used for aligning points generated through
#' `geom_point()` with dodged boxplots (e.g., a `geom_boxplot()` with
#' a fill aesthetic supplied).
#' @family position adjustments
#' @param spread.width degree of spread in x direction.  Once points get spread to this amount, the space between points starts being compressed
#' @param spread.sep separation between points before compression.
#' @param dodge.width the amount to dodge in the x direction. Defaults to 0.75,
#'   the default `position_dodge()` width.

#' @export

position_spreaddodge <- function(spread.width = NULL, spread.sep = NULL,
  dodge.width = 0.75) {

  ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, PositionSpreaddodge,
    spread.width = spread.width,
    spread.sep = spread.sep,
    dodge.width = dodge.width

#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
PositionSpreaddodge <- ggproto("PositionSpreaddodge", Position,
  spread.width = NULL,
  spread.sep = NULL,
  dodge.width = NULL,
  required_aes = c("x", "y"),
  setup_params = function(self, data) {
    flipped_aes <- has_flipped_aes(data)
    data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
    spread.width <- self$spread.width %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * 0.4)
    # Adjust the x transformation based on the number of 'dodge' variables
    dodgecols <- intersect(c("fill", "colour", "linetype", "shape", "size", "alpha"), colnames(data))
    if (length(dodgecols) == 0) {
      abort("`position_jitterdodge()` requires at least one aesthetic to dodge by")
    ndodge    <- lapply(data[dodgecols], levels)  # returns NULL for numeric, i.e. non-dodge layers
    ndodge    <- length(unique(unlist(ndodge)))
      dodge.width = self$dodge.width,
      spread.sep = self$spread.sep %||% (resolution(data$x, zero = FALSE) * .05),
      spread.width = spread.width / (ndodge + 2),
      flipped_aes = flipped_aes
  compute_panel = function(data, params, scales) {
    data <- flip_data(data, params$flipped_aes)
    data <- ggplot2:::collide(data, params$dodge.width, "position_jitterdodge", ggplot2:::pos_dodge,
      check.width = FALSE)
    f <- function(sep, i, n) {
      m <- ceiling(max(n) / 2)
        as.logical(n %% 2), 
        sep * c(0, rep(1:m, each = 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m))[i],
        sep * (rep(1:m, each = 2)[i] - 1 / 2) * rep(c(-1, 1), m)
    trans_x <- if(params$spread.width > 0) function(df) {
      df |>
        group_by(x, y) |>
          i = 1:n(),
          n = n(),
          sep = pmin(params$spread.sep, 2 * params$spread.width / n),
          adj = f(sep, i, n)
        ) |>
    x_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$x_aes, names(data))
    y_aes <- intersect(ggplot2:::ggplot_global$y_aes, names(data))
    x <- if (length(x_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[x_aes[1]]]
    y <- if (length(y_aes) == 0) 0 else data[[y_aes[1]]]
    dummy_data <- vctrs::new_data_frame(list(x = x, y = y), nrow(data))
    x_adj <- trans_x(dummy_data) |> unclass()

    # Apply Spread
    data <- transform_position(data, function(x) x + x_adj)
    flip_data(data, params$flipped_aes)

尝试document()使用包中的任何一个函数运行时,我收到错误“错误:_inherit必须是 ggproto 对象”。我无法弄清楚错误试图告诉我什么,这使得无法修复。这显然是我添加的文档的问题,但我不确定我错过了什么。



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